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Aug 2021

New experiments under Article 51 of the Social Security Financing Act in France

The French Ministry of Solidarity and Health constantly announces the new experiments initiated under Article 51 of the Social Security Financing Act. These experiments are focused on various topics concerning medical technologies and the organization of care. At the end of July, three new experiments related to the system of care for people with disabilities, families with overweight children, and homeless drug users were announced.
Aug 2021

New standards of medical care and clinical guidelines published in Russia in July 2021

In July 2021, 31 clinical guidelines were released in Russia: irritable bowel syndrome, rectal prolapse, chronic kidney disease, and others. Furthermore, the orders on the approval of the several standards of medical care entered into force, including standards for the provision of medical care for adults with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction, hemorrhoids, and anal fistula.
Aug 2021

Final 2021 DRG manual published in France

On July 30, 2021, the final version of the French DRG manual was published on the website of the Technical Agency for Information on Hospitalizations (ATIH). No new DRGs or other changes compared to the preliminary version published in March 2021 have been introduced.
Aug 2021

Endobronchial valves for persistent air leakage added to the Spanish Common Package of Benefits

Earlier this year, the Spanish authorities introduced endobronchial valves for persistent air leakage into the Common Package of Benefits of the National Health System. This decision was based on the reports (HTA report and monitoring study) by the Evaluation Unit of the Canary Islands Health Service (SESCS). On July 22, 2021, the Resolution outlining the conditions for the provision of the service was published.
Aug 2021

Applications for 2022/23 High Cost Device List are open in England

In late July 2021, NHS England opened a call for applications to the High Cost Device List (HCDL) changes for the 2022/23 National Tariff Payment System. The completed application form should be submitted via email by September 30, 2021. HCDL is an add-on reimbursement for medical devices and in-vitro diagnostic tests, so the amount is paid in addition to the payment for regular care.
Aug 2021

Applications for coverage with evidence development programs released in France

On July 29, 2021, the French Ministry of Solidarity and Health published the instruction related to the 2021 application for coverage with evidence development programs. In the instruction, the specific fields of research, the application procedures, and the deadlines for applications for different types of projects (PHRC, PRME, PREPS, PRT) are specified.
Aug 2021

Med Tech-related technology assessments and clinical guidelines from NICE in July 2021

In July 2021, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published one new Interventional Procedure Guidance (inducing and maintaining normothermia using temperature modulation devices to improve outcomes after stroke or subarachnoid hemorrhage) and four new Medtech Innovation Briefings (HealthVCF for detecting vertebral compression fractures on CT scans, trublood-prostate for triaging and diagnosing people with prostate cancer symptoms, AI technologies for detecting diabetic retinopathy, and Acumen IQ sensor for predicting hypotension risk).
Aug 2021

2022 version of the Swiss CHOP code nomenclature published

On July 30, 2021, the Swiss Federal Statistics Office (UFS) published the 2022 version of the procedure code (CHOP) nomenclature in the German language. The newly introduced codes concern various technology groups, such as cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, neurology, interventional radiology, orthopedics, gynecology, and others.
Aug 2021

New med tech-related decision support documents published in Austria

In July 2021, the Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment (AIHTA) published six new decision support documents and one update to a previous decision support document. The assessed topics included percutaneous left ventricular assist devices, liposuction for surgical therapy of lipoedema, triphasic biomaterial for augmentation of the osteoporotic femoral neck, endoscopic plication therapy in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), allogenic bone screw Shark Screw® in patients with hallux valgus or scaphoid fractures/pseudarthroses, and surgical interventions for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. The updated decision support document concerned implantable bulking agents for fecal incontinence.