MTRC is a leading provider of reimbursement, health economic and evidence synthesis services to the medical technologies industry in Europe.
MTRC was established in 2017 in Stockholm.
What started as a small team of a few reimbursement consultants, has grown into a boutique consultancy offering more than twenty dedicated consultants and analysts in six European countries. We currently have an HEOR office in the United Kingdom (UK), a market access consultancy office in Spain and a contracting/billing office in Bulgaria.
Specializing in multi-country European projects, we proudly include more than 900 projects in 20 European countries as part of our portfolio.
Our team includes experienced clinical coders, reimbursement and HEOR analysts, and is complemented by affiliated senior reimbursement consultants from different major countries. Our analysts speak English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Polish. We also have on-demand access to native speakers who are specialists in healthcare systems in other key regions of Europe (Scandinavia, the Netherlands, and Eastern European countries).
We are also probably the largest Med Tech market access consultancy in Europe, which helps us accumulate unique knowledge and insight
Since the very beginning, MTRC’s specialty was the medical technologies sector. While most other life science consultants spend 90% of their time on pharmaceutical projects, we do not perform any pharmaceutical projects, but dedicate 100% of our time to the area of medical technologies, so that our specialization results in higher-quality services at a lower cost.
Part of our mission and core values is our cost-effective approach to providing services. We understand the budgetary challenges of the med tech industry and can therefore offer a cost-effective approach to our specialised services. Twelve (12%) of our current business comes from small to medium enterprises (SMEs) – a testament to our unique and personal approach to solving our clients’ budgetary challenges. Our prices are regarded as reasonable and generally affordable for the medical device industry (both corporations and SMEs).
One of our main focuses is on producing accurate analysis and reporting, strictly according to the timelines and expectations of our client. We are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) as an ISO 9001:2015 certified vendor.
Our team
The team of experienced consultants and researchers with a deep understanding of both clinical aspects of medical care and organizational/financial frameworks in Europe

Meet the founder

Oleg Borisenko is the founder and Director of MTRC.
Oleg has fourteen years of experience in the field of med tech reimbursement. Prior to establishing MTRC, Oleg was the Director of Market Access and Health Economics at Synergus AB in Stockholm, Sweden.
Over the course of his professional career, Oleg has supervised several hundreds of projects, including reimbursement mappings and strategies, value dossiers, systematic literature reviews, health economic models, and within-trial economic evaluations. Oleg has the unique skill of combining both a high-level understanding of a broad range of topics, and in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience with major market access-related activities.
In the past, Oleg was an active contributor to both the Cochrane Acute Respiratory Infections, and Effective Practice and the Organisation of Health Care Review Groups. Currently, he is a member of the Editorial Board of one of the leading international health economic journals, the “Journal of Medical Economics” (Informa).
For several years, Oleg had held the position of Affiliated Researcher at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, where he was involved in studies aimed at improving the Swedish healthcare system.
Get in touch
Contact us to discuss your needs and learn about our services