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Aug 2021

A new approach to prioritizing requests for NICE Scientific Advice

On July 16, 2021, NICE announced a new approach to prioritizing requests for NICE Scientific Advice. Because of the increased engagement, the waiting time for new scientific advice projects is currently several months. To address this, from December 2021, NICE will reserve priority slots in the work plan for companies developing high-priority technologies for the NHS.
Aug 2021

TLV assessed Oncotype DX and ProSigna tests for early breast cancer detection in July 2021

In July 2021, the Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency released two completed health economic evaluations on the cost-effectiveness of the Oncotype DX and ProSigna tests. The evaluation was performed at the request of the Medical Technology Product (MTP) Council. The cost per quality-adjusted life-years for ProSigna is estimated to be 207,000 SEK compared to the stand-alone clinical pathology assessment. The analysis indicates that the use of Oncotype DX provides greater benefit than the alternative, also at a lower cost.
Aug 2021

MTRC released a 2021 update of its syndicated report on innovation funding schemes in Europe

A syndicated report (135 pages) reviews details of innovation funding and coverage with evidence development schemes in Europe, including Austria, Belgium, England, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. For each scheme, information about objective, inclusion criteria, applicant, stakeholders involved, clinical and economic evidence requirements, and statistics (including at least 2019-2020 data; but for most schemes – statistics for multiple years) is included.
Aug 2021

2021-2022 Romanian Framework Contract entered into force

On July 1, 2021, the updated Framework Contract that defines the social health insurance benefit package in Romania entered into force. The Framework Contract defines the SHI benefits package, the conditions for providing services and payments. The updated Framework Contract will be valid for the years 2021-2022.
Aug 2021

New diagnostic codes added to the private reimbursement schedule in England

In July 2021, the Clinical Coding and Schedule Development (CCSD) working group, which develops and maintains procedural and diagnostics nomenclature for private payers in England, has published Bulletins 0178 and 0075 with changes to be implemented not later than November 01, 2021. No new procedure codes were introduced. Two new diagnostic codes were introduced.
Jul 2021

High-End Technology Equipment Investment Plan by the National Health System in Spain

On June 30, 2021, it was announced that the Government of Spain, through the Ministry of Health, will invest nearly 400 million euros throughout this year in the development of the High-End Technology Equipment Investment Plan (INVEAT) of the National Health System (SNS). The objectives are to reduce the obsolescence of the current SNS technology park and to raise the average density rate of high-tech equipment per 100,000 inhabitants. The renovation of equipment amounts to 585 units and the expansion to 262.
Jul 2021

Two more health apps obtained reimbursement in Germany

In early July 2021, two more health apps were introduced in the Directory of digital health applications (DiGAs) at the Federal Office for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) and thus became reimbursable. These apps can be prescribed by physicians and psychotherapists and will be reimbursed by health insurers. In total, nineteen health apps are now available at the DiGA Directory.
Jul 2021

The revised EBM catalog came into force in Germany in July 2021

The revised EBM (German Uniform Evaluation Standard) catalog came into force on July 1, 2021. Three biomarker tests in breast cancer, a number of services related to cryopreservation of egg and sperm cells in young cancer patients, new services dedicated to prenatal testing of the fetal rhesus factor, services concerning the delivery of brachytherapy in prostate cancer were introduced.