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Submission of applications for Implementation of Knowledge and Innovations in Appropriate Care
The Dutch Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) works to improve disease prevention, healthcare practices, and the health status of the Dutch citizens by stimulating and funding research, development, and implementation of innovative technologies.
The ZonMw Efficiency Research program for 2022-2026 is intended to develop socially relevant and high-quality knowledge about the effectiveness and costs of innovative and existing non-pharmaceutical diagnostic and therapeutic interventions within the basic insurance package or long-term care.
On June 28, 2022, the ZonMw launched a call for subsidy “Implementation of Knowledge and Innovations in Appropriate Care”. The subsidy aims to bring further knowledge to improve care in line with four principles of Appropriate Care (value-driven, joint decision-making, right care in the right place, and positive health). The research may involve knowledge transfer, synthesis, and integration (e.g., in guidelines), practical implementation, dissemination, and upscaling of innovations or interventions, including adaptation to the local context and structural conditions.
The total budget of the program is €5,5 million. Co-financing is not mandatory (10% of the total costs) and must be arranged when submitting the grant application. The maximum amount per research proposal is €250,000.
Subsidy applications shall be submitted until September 13, 2022.
The full details in Dutch can be found here.
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