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News and blog posts

Mar 2025

Health Economic Publication Digest: Economic Considerations of Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices for The Treatment of Heart Failure

MTRC shares the most relevant and impactful publications in the field of market access and HEOR for medical technologies in Europe through its Health Economic Publications Digest. In a recent publication, Elsner et al. conducted a literature review to evaluate the economic value of cardiovascular implantable electronic devices for heart failure treatment, with a focus on the European context over the past 10 years. The review assessed the economic implications of various device therapies, including cardiac resynchronization therapy with a pacemaker (CRT-P), CRT with a defibrillator (CRT-D), implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs), pacemakers, and (semi)automated telemonitoring, using QALYs and ICERs as standardized measures of cost-effectiveness. All cardiovascular implantable electronic devices were found to fall within commonly accepted cost-effectiveness thresholds.
Mar 2025

National Cancer Strategy for 2025-2030 published in Norway

In February 2025, the Ministry of Health and Care Services published a National Cancer Strategy for 2025-2030. The strategy outlines five key target areas with corresponding goals and actions. The target areas comprise pioneering cancer prevention and early detection, improving patient outcomes, enhancing user-oriented cancer care, increasing survival rates and longevity, and ensuring the best possible quality of life. The actions include the expansion of national screening initiatives, the accreditation of Comprehensive Cancer Centers, digital home monitoring, precision diagnostics, and the establishment of a national healthcare innovation hub.
Mar 2025

MTRC has released a White Paper "Challenges and Proposed Solutions in Systematic Literature Reviews for Medical Devices

MTRC is pleased to announce the release of its latest White Paper: "Challenges and Proposed Solutions in Systematic Literature Reviews for Medical Devices." This White Paper addresses challenges such as limited high-quality studies, variability in clinical outcomes due to operator experience, and evolving device generations. By addressing these critical challenges, MTRC empowers stakeholders in the medical technology sector to navigate the complexities of evidence assessment confidently.
Mar 2025

Publication Digest: Comparison of health technology assessments for digital therapeutics in Germany, the United Kingdom and France

MTRC shares the most relevant and impactful publications in the field of market access and HEOR for medical technologies in Europe through its Publications Digest. In a recent publication, Arcà et al. conducted a comparative analysis of national HTA frameworks for digital therapeutics (DTx) assessed in Germany, the UK, and France. By analyzing cross-country HTAs for two digital therapeutic products, the study revealed substantial differences in assessment criteria and evidence requirements. Despite the divergence, there was a shared emphasis on product positioning within the clinical pathway, the appropriateness of chosen comparators, and considerations of usability. Safety received limited attention, but a request is often made for the addition and evaluation of risk-flagging systems.
Mar 2025

Guidance for the use of real-world data in health technology assessment in Spain

In March 2025, the Health Sciences Institute in Aragon released a document that provides guidance on incorporating real-world data into health technology assessment, focusing on the preadoption phase for evaluating new technologies in the Spanish Network of HTA Agencies (RedETS) framework. It outlines a workflow aligning with RedETS practices, identifying key milestones where RWD adds value and offering methods and tools to integrate RWD into decision models.
Mar 2025

EU HTA Publication Digest: Technology Assessment vs. Technology Appraisal-How to Strengthen the Science/Value Dichotomy with EU HTA?

MTRC shares the most relevant and impactful publications in the field of market access and HEOR for medical technologies in Europe through its EU HTA Publications Digest. In a recent publication, Gsteiger et al. explored the conceptual divergence between “technology assessment” and “technology appraisal” in the context of the new EU HTA Regulation. The authors advocated for a clearer distinction between scientific evaluation and value judgments to ensure effective implementation and avoid ambiguity. The study emphasized the importance of transitioning from centralized assessments to national-level appraisal processes that reflect local value judgments and uncertainties.
Mar 2025

Bi-weekly snapshot of market access and HEOR project work at MTRC

Our goal at MTRC is to inform the decision-making of our clients and to support their market access activities. Below is a snapshot of our planned activities for the next two weeks. This can help our existing and prospective clients to understand the potential scope of our support better. From the week of the 24th of March, we plan to work on 20 projects. Review the complete list of planned activities in this post.