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May 2024

PECAN tariffs for digital medical devices with therapeutic function released in France

On April 25, 2024, the Ministry of Labor, Health, and Solidarity published an Order in the Official Journal of the French Republic setting the tariffs for digital medical devices with therapeutic functions covered within the early digital support (PECAN) scheme. The tariff for the manufacturer will include an initial lump sum of €435 per patient billable for up to 3 months and a subsequent monthly package of €38.30. The maximum amount of financial compensation is €780 per year per patient.
May 2024

Publication Digest: Real-world data: a comprehensive literature review on the barriers, challenges, and opportunities associated with their inclusion in the health technology assessment process

MTRC shares the most relevant and impactful publications in the field of market access and HEOR for medical technologies in Europe through its Publications Digest. In a recent publication, Zisis et al. conducted a systematic literature review to assess the current use and acceptance of real-world data (RWD) and real-world evidence (RWE) in health technology assessment (HTA) processes. The authors aimed to discern stakeholders' viewpoints on RWD and RWE, highlighting obstacles, difficulties, prospects, and consequences associated with their incorporation into HTA. The review emphasized the importance of recognizing regional nuances, addressing methodological challenges, and promoting collaboration for leveraging RWD and RWE effectively in healthcare decision-making.
May 2024

Expected reassessments of national clinical recommendations in Denmark

The Danish Health Authority has initiated a process of assessing the national clinical recommendations. Work is set to start in 2024. Recommendations in diagnostic imaging, endoscopy, endocrine, ENT, gastrointestinal, nephrology and urology, neurology and neurosurgery, neuromodulation, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, pulmonary and airways, radiotherapy, spine, and some other fields are considered for reassessment.
May 2024

Publication Digest: The end of an era? Activity-based funding based on diagnosis-related groups: A review of payment reforms in the inpatient sector in 10 high-income countries

MTRC shares the most relevant and impactful publications in the field of market access and HEOR for medical technologies in Europe through its Publications Digest. In a recent publication, Milstein et al. conducted a comprehensive review of reforms to Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) payment systems across ten high-income countries. The authors aimed to provide an overview of the latest reforms and their evidence to date, highlighting a shift from volume-based to value-based payment mechanisms in hospital care. The findings revealed diverse reform trends, including reductions in DRG-based payments, episode-based payments, and incentives to promote care delivery in less costly settings, reflecting efforts to improve the quality of care while controlling healthcare expenditures.
May 2024

2025 HAS work program applications announced in France

On April 18, 2024, the French National Authority for Health (HAS) announced the submission of requests for registration in the 2025 HAS Good Practice Recommendations Work program – for professional organizations and in the 2025 HAS Work program – for patient associations.
May 2024

Changes in laboratory analyses tariff setting in Switzerland

On May 1, 2024, the Swiss Federal Council adopted a message to amend the Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG) following a parliamentary mandate, which requires a change in how tariffs for laboratory analyses are determined. Instead of being set by the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA), the tariffs of tests in the List of Analyses will be determined through negotiations between collective bargaining partners, streamlining the inclusion of innovative analyses and slowing down the increase in healthcare costs.
May 2024

Recommendations about add-on reimbursement for medical devices in France in April 2024

The French National Authority for Health (HAS) released new recommendations about add-on reimbursement of medical devices and medical aids from the meetings of the National Commission for Evaluation of Medical Devices and Health Technologies (CNEDiMTS) in April 2024. Eighteen recommendations were published concerning the registration of medical devices or modification of registration conditions/extension of indications for the medical devices in the List of Reimbursable Products and Services (LPPR). Opinions concern cardiovascular, neurovascular, gastrointestinal, interventional radiology, nephrology and urology, neuromodulation, and orthopedic devices, as well as medical aids.
May 2024

MR-guided focused ultrasound to be evaluated within the Orderly introduction framework in Sweden

On May 6, 2024, the Swedish Medical Technologies Product (MTP) Council commissioned the Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency (TLV) to perform a health economic evaluation of MR-guided focused ultrasound (Exablate Neuro) for the treatment of patients with essential tremor and Parkinson's disease. This evaluation is a part of the Orderly introduction framework, a staged process aimed at managing the national introduction of novel technologies. Based on the TLV assessment, the MTP Council will make recommendations to regions regarding the implementation of the technology and the criteria for use.
May 2024

Publication Digest: A Value Framework to Assess Patient-Facing Digital Health Technologies That Aim to Improve Chronic Disease Management: A Delphi Approach

MTRC shares the most relevant and impactful publications in the field of market access and HEOR for medical technologies in Europe through its Publications Digest. In a recent publication, Haig et al. developed a comprehensive framework for assessing the value of novel patient-facing Digital Health Technologies (DHTs) used in chronic disease management. The authors utilized a combination of literature review and primary data collection via a three-round web-Delphi exercise involving stakeholders from the USA, the UK, and Germany, resulting in a framework comprising 33 stable indicators across various domains. This framework elicits stakeholder value preferences to guide efficient and evidence-based decision-making in assessing these technologies.