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Apr 2024

MTRC launched Knowledge Zone with brief overviews of the market access landscape and challenges for individual types of medical technologies in Europe

Market access is a rapidly changing field and the landscape varies for different types of medical technologies. To provide an additional, easy-to-access source of high-level information about key themes in the market access landscape and challenges for individual types of medical technologies, MTRC launched a dedicated Knowledge Zone on the website. Currently, the Knowledge Zone includes information about procedure coding, payment mechanisms, policy considerations, HTA, and future challenges for market access for 12 types of medical technologies. In the coming weeks, the Zone will expand 40 key technology groups
Apr 2024

The G-BA Innovation Fund becomes permanent in Germany

On March 26, 2024, the “Digital Law – DigiG” (Law to accelerate the digitalization of the healthcare system) came into force, leading a line of changes concerning the G-BA Innovation Fund: the Fund becomes permanent and also the funding procedure for the projects dedicated to the new forms of care changes.
Apr 2024

NHS England published new specialized service specifications for clinical networks

In March 2024, NHS England published twelve new service specifications defining the scope and function of clinical networks in different fields, including cardiology, intensive care, nephrology, neurosurgery, and orthopedics. Clinical networks allow specialty-level collaboration between patients, providers, and commissioners and play a vital role in coordinating pathways of care, supporting equitable access to healthcare, and assuring and improving quality.
Apr 2024

National tariffs for outpatient specialist and prosthetic care postponed until 2025 in Italy

The Essential Levels of Care (LEA) defines outpatient specialist and prosthetic care guaranteed to the Italian population. Although the LEA document was brought in 2017, the national tariffs for outpatient specialist and prosthetic care were launched in April last year after seven years of development. They were supposed to come into effect on January 1, 2024 (later postponed to April 1, 2024). However, on March 27, 2024, the need for tariff revision and the new Decree postponing the tariffs until January 2025 was announced by the Italian Ministry of Health
Apr 2024

A regular update of the Danish SKS coding system came into force in April 2024

The Danish Health Data Authority (Sundheddatastyrelsen) quarterly updates the Health Care Classification System (Sundhedsvæsenets Klassifikations System, SKS). The updated version was published in mid-March 2024 to come into force on April 1, 2024. Nine new medical procedure codes, five new codes for diagnostic investigations, and ten new additional codes concerning cardiovascular, ENT, interventional radiology, pulmonary, endoscopy, pathology, and surgical procedures were introduced.