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News and blog posts

Jun 2020

New software supporting sleep testing device (Brizzy) now available on mHealthBelgium

On May 4, 2020, a new web platform called Brizzy entered the level 1 of the mHealthBelgium validation pyramid. Brizzy (class IIa) sleep testing device allows diagnosing respiratory sleep disorders efficiently and accurately and avoids the complexity and discomfort associated with traditional systems. The web platform allows for the analysis of the assessment of the collected data.
Jun 2020

Reimbursement application portal for digital health apps is live in Germany

The application portal for inclusion in the directory of digital health apps (DiGA) at the Federal Office for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) has been online since May 27, 2020. The application, which can be submitted only electronically, is the first step for the respective health app to be reimbursed in the future as part of regular care.
May 2020

Regulatory registration procedure for COVID19 diagnosis medical devices maximally accelerated in Russia

As part of efforts to increase the effectiveness of measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, the Ministry of Health of Russia informed suppliers, manufacturers and executive authorities that, subject to the rules for submitting documents for registration of medical devices intended for the diagnosis of coronavirus infection, their registration will be carried out as soon as possible deadlines.
May 2020

The winners of UK TechForce19 challenge announced

On 24 April 2020, NHSX, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), and the Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) have announced 18 innovative digital solutions being awarded up to £25,000 under the TechForce19 challenge.