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Order on the 2021 DRG system published in France
On March 31, 2021, the Order of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health on the 2021 DRG system was published in the Official Journal of the French Republic. The Order includes information on the recent updates of the DRG system, DRG tariffs, supplements for private and public hospitals, as well as the tariffs for specific packages (emergency treatment package, ATU; small equipment package, FFM; safety and hospital environment package, SE; administration package for pharmaceutical products, services, and specialties in a hospital environment, APE) applicable to the procedures performed in a hospital environment but without hospitalization, etc.
The DRG tariffs were, in general, increased. The main changes are related to the financing of the emergency care performed in short-term hospitalization units (UHCD). Except for this, two new "safety and hospital environment" (SE) packages were created for botulinum toxin procedures (administration of botulinum toxin to the eyelids and administration of botulinum toxin to striated muscles). Pancreatic islet transplantation will now be reimbursed via DRG because Clinical Research Hospital Program (PHRC) concerning this procedure was finished.
The full details in French can be found here.
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