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Sep 2022

DRG tariff system updated in Denmark

In late August 2022, the updated version of the DRG tariff system guide (Takstsystem) was released by the Danish Health Data Agency (Sundhedsdatastyrelsen). No new DRGs were introduced in the updated version of the DRG tariff system guide. However, two new groups were added to the List of special services, for which supplementary payment may be charged.
Sep 2022

Recommendations about add-on reimbursement for medical devices in France in August 2022

The French National Authority for Health released new recommendations about add-on reimbursement of medical devices from the meetings of the National Commission for Evaluation of Medical Devices and Health Technologies in August 2022. One recommendation was published in relation to the registration for devices in the List of reimbursable products and services (LPPR List). The opinion concerns men’s health area.
Sep 2022

New procedure codes added to the private reimbursement schedule in England

In August 2022, the Clinical Coding and Schedule Development (CCSD) working group, which develops and maintains procedural and diagnostics nomenclatures for private payers in England, published Bulletins 0185 and 0082 with changes to be implemented no later than October 11, 2022. Seven new procedure codes (for photodynamic therapy to skin lesions, patch continuous ECG recording, shoulder stabilization procedure, and ear reconstruction) and no new diagnostic codes.
Aug 2022

2023 version of the Swiss CHOP code nomenclature published

On July 29, 2022, the Swiss Federal Statistics Office (UFS) published the 2023 version of the procedure code (CHOP) nomenclature in the German language. The newly introduced codes concern various technology groups, such as cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, in-vitro diagnostics, neurology and neurosurgery, interventional radiology, orthopedics, gynecology, and others.
Aug 2022

New med tech-related decision support documents published in Austria

On July 15, 2022, the Austrian Institute for HTA (AIHTA) published five decision support documents, which provide recommendations regarding the inclusion of new medical interventions in the catalog of individual medical services of the performance-oriented hospital financing (Leistungsorientierten Krankenanstaltenfinanzierung, LKF) model, as well as four updates to previous decision support documents. The decisions relate mainly to cardiovascular and gastrointestinal technology groups.