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May 2023

National tariffs for outpatient specialist care and prosthetic care approved in Italy

On April 19, 2023, the Italian Ministry of Health announced that the State-Regions Conference approved the national tariffs for outpatient specialist care and prosthetic care. These tariffs will be applied to Annexes 4 (outpatient specialist care) and 5 (prosthetic care) of the Essential Levels of Care (LEA) document from 2017. New tariffs for outpatient specialist care will enter into force in January 2024, and the tariffs for prosthetic care will enter into force on April 1, 2024.
Mar 2023

Rapid HTAs of four medical devices released in Tuscany

The HTA body of the Tuscany Regional Healthcare issues three types of documents: full HTA reports, rapid HTA reports, and motivational forms. With regional decree 3844 of March 02, 2023, Tuscany Regional Healthcare has published assessments of four medical devices in the cardiovascular and neurovascular treatment areas.
Mar 2023

Rapid HTAs of two medical devices released in Tuscany

The HTA body of the Tuscany Regional Healthcare issues three types of documents: full HTA reports, rapid HTA reports, and motivational forms. With regional decree 1756 of January 25, 2023, Tuscany Regional Healthcare has published assessments of two medical devices in the orthopedics, surgical procedures, and cardiovascular treatment areas.
Dec 2022

Rapid HTAs of three medical devices released in Tuscany

The HTA body of the Tuscany Regional Healthcare issues three types of documents: full HTA reports, rapid HTA reports, and motivational forms. With regional decree 24486 of December 7, 2022, Tuscany Regional Healthcare has published assessments of three medical devices in the surgical procedures, neurology and neurosurgery, and extracorporeal treatments areas.
Nov 2022

Rapid HTAs of three medical devices released in Tuscany

The HTA body of the Tuscany Regional Healthcare issues three types of documents: full HTA reports, rapid HTA reports, and motivational forms. With regional decree 21738 of November 4, 2022, Tuscany Regional Healthcare has published assessments of three medical devices in the orthopedics, surgical procedures, and peripheral vascular areas.
Sep 2022

Rapid HTAs of six medical devices released in Tuscany

The HTA body of the Tuscany Regional Healthcare issues three types of documents: full HTA reports, rapid HTA reports, and motivational forms. With regional decree 15937 of August 4, 2022, Tuscany Regional Healthcare has published assessments of six medical devices in various therapeutic areas, such as cardiovascular and peripheral vascular areas, neurovascular procedures, gastroenterology, and dermatology.
Aug 2022

Rapid HTAs of three medical devices released in Tuscany

The HTA body of the Tuscany Regional Healthcare issues two types of documents: HTA forms and motivational forms. With regional decree 13241 of July 4, 2022, Tuscany Regional Healthcare has published assessments of three medical devices in the cardiovascular area.
Jul 2022

Rapid HTAs of nine medical devices released in Tuscany

The HTA body of the Tuscany Regional Healthcare issues two types of documents: HTA forms and motivational forms. With regional decree 10778 of June 01, 2022, Tuscany Regional Healthcare has published assessments of nine medical devices in various therapeutic areas, such as cardiovascular and peripheral vascular areas, surgical procedures, orthopedics, and dermatology.
Apr 2022

Proposals for setting up the National Telemonitoring Platform now accepted in Italy

On March 18, 2022, the National Agency for Regional Health Services (AGENAS) announced the start of the time period for the submissions of proposals for setting up the National Telemonitoring Platform. The Platform shall bridge the gap between territorial disparities and offer greater integration between regional health services and national platforms through innovative solutions.
Mar 2022

Rapid HTAs of two medical devices released in Tuscany

The HTA body of the Tuscany Regional Healthcare issues two types of documents: HTA forms and motivational forms. With regional decree 4229 of March 11, 2022, Tuscany Regional Healthcare has published assessments of two medical devices in the cardiovascular and ENT fields of care.
Mar 2022

Rapid HTAs of five medical devices released in Tuscany

The HTA body of the Tuscany Regional Healthcare issues two types of documents: HTA forms and motivational forms. With a regional decree 2472 of February 10, 2022, Tuscany Regional Healthcare has published assessments of five medical devices of various therapeutic areas, such as cardiovascular and peripheral vascular areas.