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Mar 2021

National Clinical Coding Standards OPCS-4.9 and ICD-10 for 2021 published in England

In late February 2021, the Delen collaboration platform of NHS Digital issued 2021 National Clinical Coding Standards (NCCS) OPCS-4.9 and ICD-10 reference books that must be used during the procedure and diagnosis coding from April 01, 2021. The updates mainly concerned endoscopic procedures, transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) of the liver, peripheral vascular procedures using stents and stent-grafts, gynecological procedures using meshes, and bone densitometry.
Mar 2021

Five new Med Tech mini-HTAs initiated in Norway in March 2021

In March 2021, the new mini-HTAs of five technologies were initiated in Norway: Harpoon - transapical neochordae device, tricuspidal clip, portable hand-held spirometry, CGM device and insulin pump, and portable spirometry device. The final mini-method assessment will be published in the National Database for Mini-HTA.
Mar 2021

NHSX launched a new simple and fast assessment process for digital health technologies

On February 23, 2021, NHSX launched Digital Technology Assessment Criteria for health and social care (DTAC), the new national criteria designed to provide suppliers and healthcare organizations a clear direction on building and buying good digital health technologies. DTAC will apply to all types of digital health technologies, from public-facing health apps to digital systems used within hospitals. The assessment criteria are focused on five areas: digital technologies will receive a pass or fail in four categories - clinical safety, data protection, technical security and interoperability, and a score on usability and accessibility.
Mar 2021

Specialized Commissioning Clinical Commissioning Policies Work Programme updated

On February 24, 2021, NHS England published an update of the Specialized Services Policy Pipeline (covering period November 10, 2020 - February 10, 2021). Two new Clinical Commissioning Policies were added to the work program, and seven new policies were published, including stereotactic ablative radiotherapy, stereotactic radiosurgery and proton therapy. The status of ongoing policies was updated as well.
Mar 2021

The members of the Treatment Council appointed in Denmark

In late February 2021, eleven out of fifteen needed members and three observers of the Treatment Council (Behandlingsråd) were appointed in Denmark. The Treatment Council is a new model for assessing treatment methods and health technologies, expected to become fully operational in early 2021. Earlier in February 2021, the final method and process framework of the Treatment Council was approved.
Mar 2021

Med Tech-related technology assessments and clinical guidelines from NICE in February 2021

In February 2021, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published one new medical technologies guidance (Leukomed Sorbact for preventing surgical site infection) and seven new Medtech innovation briefings (PROPEL sinus implants, URO17 for detecting bladder cancer, Faecal microbiota transplant, DOAC Dipstick for detecting oral anticoagulants, CytoSorb for reducing the risk of bleeding during cardiac surgery, and others).
Mar 2021

Ongoing health technology assessments by the Swedish SBU

The Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services (SBU) systematically evaluates healthcare technologies and practices from medical, economic, ethical, and social standpoints. Currently, the SBU is working on assessments of treatment methods of gastrointestinal conditions, musculoskeletal disorders, pain treatment, medical aids, e-health technologies, and other topics.