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Nov 2017

Switzerland plans further restriction of healthcare costs

An international advisor group of 14 medical and health economic experts proposed 38 measures of how control the increase of healthcare costs in Switzerland. One third of the actions including the strengthening of HTA are already considered. The Swiss Federal Council now wants to develop concrete plans for the implementation of the new measures suggested in the report by the expert group, including global budgets for the outpatient sector, the introduction of medical boards, the encouragement of parallel imports of medical technology and implants and annual review of prices.
Nov 2017

Clinical guidelines and Med Tech-related technology assessments from NICE in the second half of October 2017

In the second half of October, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published two new clinical guidelines (for cataracts in adults and cystic fibrosis), and published two new Medtech innovation briefings for radiation dose monitoring software for medical imaging with ionising radiation and Promonitor for monitoring response to biologics in rheumatoid arthritis.
Nov 2017

The Belgian Health Care Knowledge Center published report for static automated external defibrillators for use by bystanders for out of hospital cardiac arrest

The Belgian Health Care Knowledge Center (KCE) performed assessment of use of static automated external defibrillators (AED) by bystanders for out of hospital cardiac arrest. The aim was to inform government, whether current practice of placing AED for public use should be supported or not. No strict recommendations were given due to insufficient evidence for this device in use by bystanders.
Nov 2017

The French National Authority for Health (HAS) published new set of decisions regarding add-on reimbursement of medical devices and medical aids in October

In October, HAS published a set of decisions about add-on reimbursement of medical devices that were assessed by the National Commission for Evaluation of Medical Devices and Health Technologies (CNEDiMTS). These decisions concern orthopedic devices (foot prosthesis, bone graft substitute), TAVI using Sapien valve, liquid embolic system, remote monitoring system, wound dressing and home oxygen system.
Nov 2017

Inclusion of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) in diabetic foot syndrome as a benefit in the German statutory health insurance

Joint Federal Committee (G-BA) evaluated the use of diabetic foot syndrome with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) as a complementary treatment. Based on studies showing a faster healing process, the G-BA decided to include the method as a benefit in the outpatient sector and expand the indication for the method to a lower severity grade in the inpatient sector.
Oct 2017

G-BA wants to introduce newborn screening for Type I tyrosinemia by tandem mass spectrometry in the SHI in Germany

Following the request of a patient organization, the Joint Federal Committee (G-BA) evaluated the newborn screening for tyrosinemia type I by tandem mass spectrometry and decided to include the method into the relevant guideline. Before the method can be applied and reimbursed in the statutory health insurance (SHI) in Germany, the Genetic Diagnostics Act requires approval by the Genetic Diagnostics Commission (GEKO).