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Nov 2017

Early benefit assessment required for innovation funding of Shockwave Medical Coronary Lithoplasty® System in calcified stenosis

Shockwave Medical, the manufacturer of the Coronary Lithoplasty® System for the treatment of calcified coronary artery stenosis, requested a consultation by the Joint Federal Committee (G-BA) to find out whether their device requires an early benefit assessment according to §137h of the Social Code Book V (SGB V). The G-BA decided that the technology is highly invasive and innovative and therefore will need to undergo benefit assessment to be granted innovation funding.
Nov 2017

The French National Authority for Health (HAS) published new set of decisions regarding add-on reimbursement of medical devices and medical aids in first half of November

In the first half of November, HAS published a set of decisions about add-on reimbursement of medical devices that were evaluated by the National Commission for Evaluation of Medical Devices and Health Technologies (CNEDiMTS). These decisions concern orthopedic devices (double-mobility cup, meniscal repair system), electrodes for radiofrequency ablation, portable oxygen concentrator, drug–coated balloons and other devices.
Nov 2017

MTRC has developed a unique training program in market access for in-vitro diagnostic companies

We have developed a one-day training in market access for IVD companies, covering essential areas of reimbursement, funding, health technology assessment, the role of clinical and economic evidence, stakeholder engagement. The seminar is based on the in-house expertise and extensive interview program with laboratory experts. During the course, both general aspects of market access and specific pathways for IVD tests in 12 European countries are reviewed. CEO Oleg Borisenko performs seminar on the client’s facility.
Nov 2017

Med Tech-related technology assessments from NICE in the first half of November 2017

In the first half of November, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published two new interventional procedures guidance (for total distal radioulnar joint replacement in symptomatic joint instability or arthritis and extracranial to intracranial bypass in intracranial atherosclerosis), one new diagnostics guidance for tests to identify people at high risk of ovarian cancer and four new Medtech innovation briefings.
Nov 2017

LBI-HTA reviews patient selection practice for TAVI in Austria

The Austrian HTA body LBI-HTA performed a systematic review of health economic evaluations of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) compared to medical treatment and surgical aortic valve replacement for inoperable and operable patients with high or moderate surgical risk. The result of the review have only limited transferability to Austria, and LBI-HTA concluded, that the currently applied selection of patients based on clinical parameters can be considered as good practice.
Nov 2017

Report about trends of interventional cardiology procedures in Italy

Annual report from the Italian Society of Interventional Cardiology (GISE) shows increasing trends in procedural volume of percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), transcatheter aortic valve implantations (TAVI), mitral clip implantations, closure of left atrial appendage (LAA) and patent foramen ovale (PFO).
Nov 2017

The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) released guideline for co-funded trial to create evidence about the use of implanted sensors for the treatment of NYHA III heart failure patients

After successful trial application by a manufacturer (St. Jude Medical, now part of Abbott), the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) decided to conduct a co-funded study to create evidence about the measurement and monitoring of pulmonary artery pressure using an implanted sensor called “CardioMEMS™ HF System” to optimize therapy in NYHA III heart failure. The G-BA released a trial guideline defining the key points of the planned study, including type and duration of the study, target population and control intervention.
Nov 2017

No benefit assessment needed for fully-percutaneous femoral-popliteal bypass procedure for peripheral arterial disease (PQ Bypass procedure) according to consultation by the G-BA

A manufacturer (PQ Bypass) requested a consultation by the Joint Federal Committee (G-BA) about the eligibility of their medical device for an early benefit assessment according to §137h of the Social Code Book V (SGB V). The technology (PQ Bypass Stent Graft System) is a fully-percutaneous femoral-popliteal bypass procedure for peripheral arterial disease. The G-BA argued that the method is not based on the use of a high-risk medical device and therefore does not have to undergo a §137h assessment.