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Feb 2020

Weekly summary of MTRC Instagram account

On the week of the 10th of February, MTRC published several posts related to the innovation funding schemes for medical devices in Europe, and the 2020 decisions for the innovation funding in Germany (NUB). Follow us on Instagram on
Feb 2020

Average time to payment by the Italian hospitals

The Italian association of medical technology manufacturers, CONFINDUSTRIA dispositivi medici, published the results of a study in which they studied the average time the supplier of medical devices has to wait to get an invoice paid by the Italian hospitals. The differences vary between 35 days and 504 days.
Feb 2020

News from SwissDRG in January 2020

At the end of January 2020, the entity managing the DRG system in Switzerland, SwissDRG, has published the data collection forms for SwissDRG 2020 (2019 data). Furthermore, an explanation about the coding of “Aortic stent graft (stent prosthesis)” has been released.
Feb 2020

The list of medical technologies approved for innovation funding (NUB) in Germany in 2020

On January 30, 2020, the Institute for the Hospital Remuneration System (InEK) has published the List of the requests for innovation funding (NUB), submitted by the hospitals until October 31, 2019. Out of 778 technologies, 201 (26%) received the positive status 1, which means that the evaluated procedure or medical device meets the NUB criteria and allows the hospitals to negotiate with the sickness funds for the innovation funding for these technologies.
Feb 2020

The disease management program for patients with type 1 diabetes updated in Germany

The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) has updated the nationwide requirements for disease management programs (DMP) for patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The current DMP contracts must then be adjusted to the new requirements within one year of the decision coming into force. Around 225,000 legally insured patients are currently enrolled in a DMP for type 1 diabetes.