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Dec 2021

The implementation of the 2021-2024 HTA Methodology Program by the Dutch Organization for Health Research and Development

The Dutch Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), in collaboration with the National Health Care Institute (ZIN), initiated the new HTA Methodology Program for 2021-2024. On November 4, 2021, the ZonMw published the gap analysis of the needs of important stakeholders regarding HTA and formulated recommendations that can provide guidance for the 2021-2024 HTA Methodology Program.
Nov 2021

Sensible Care program of the Dutch Healthcare Institute replaced by Appropriate Care program

At the request of the Minister for Medical Care, the Sensible Care program, launched in 2013 by the Dutch Healthcare Institute, is replaced by the Appropriate Care program in order to improve the organization of medical care and optimize health care costs in the Netherlands. The ongoing 29 projects under the Sensible Care program will continue in the context of the Appropriate Care program.
Sep 2021

Results of research for the assessment of medical innovations’ value at an early phase of development in the Netherlands

In August 2021, the Dutch Healthcare Institute (ZIN) published the results of research for the assessment of the value of medical innovations at an early phase of development. The Radboud university medical center was commissioned by the ZIN to investigate this question based on a case study for Anatomy Projector. The objective of the research was to answer the question of how the value of medical innovation is explored and expressed in an early phase, i.e., before market access.
Aug 2021

Genetic test Oncotype DX® in early-stage breast cancer will be covered under basic health insurance in the Netherlands

On August 11, 2021, the Dutch Healthcare Institute (ZIN) published the assessment of Oncotype DX®. The assessment was conducted to confirm whether the test complies with the criteria of "science and practice" to determine if it can be reimbursed under the basic health insurance package. In conclusion, the test can be reimbursed under the basic health insurance package.
Jun 2021

Dutch Healthcare Institute position on the reimbursement of molecular diagnostics in oncology

In mid-May 2021, the Dutch Healthcare Institute (ZIN) published an advice "Molecular Diagnostics: determining the position on molecular diagnostics in oncology," which was developed at the request of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. The objective of the position is to organize molecular diagnostics within standard regular care and develop a framework for the accessibility and integral implementation of new tests in practice.
Apr 2021

Dutch Healthcare Institute published an annual report on the progress of the conditional reimbursement program in 2020

On April 20, 2021, the Dutch Healthcare Institute (ZIN) published an annual report on the progress of the conditional reimbursement program. In 2020, there were 13 ongoing projects under the program, six of which concerned medical technologies. Furthermore, in 2020, percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy for the treatment of lumbosacral radicular syndrome in lumbar disc herniation was included in the basic insurance package as regular care.