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Dutch Healthcare Institute published Pilot Horizon Scan of novel diabetes medical technologies
The Dutch Healthcare Institute (ZIN) and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) consider horizon scanning as a promising instrument for obtaining up-to-date information on new technologies. That is why the ZIN has explored the possibilities of a horizon scan for medical technology within one indication area called "Pilot Horizon Scan for MedTech".
There are two objectives of the Pilot Horizon Scan of MedTech for diabetes care:
- To provide insight into MedTech innovations for diabetes care that are expected on the Dutch market in 2022 or 2023;
- To explore the possibilities of a horizon scan for medical technology.
The tasks of the Pilot Horizon Scan of MedTech for diabetes care are aimed to:
- Broaden and optimize the accessibility of data MedTech innovations in diabetes care;
- Provide patients, clinicians, hospitals, distributors, health insurers, and government agencies with the latest data on new developments in MedTech for diabetes care;
- Support distributors, health insurers, and care providers in the organization of the procurement of MedtTech for diabetes care in a better way and in a timely manner;
- Facilitate hospitals and practitioners to make clear agreements about the use of this MedTech in diabetes care and to tackle its implementation and funding in a timely manner;
- Facilitate the negotiation between hospitals and health insurers;
- Initiate the dialogue on the effective use of new technologies in diabetes care and their inclusion in the basic insurance package.
In total, 39 new MedTech products for diabetes care have been identified. These products can be divided into five categories: glucose monitoring systems, insulin pumps, smart insulin pens, algorithmic software, integrated insulin systems.
The identified products are often aimed at making existing diabetes aids "smarter" and more integrated with other diabetes aids. Therefore, the innovations in diabetes care are mainly aimed at integrating existing diabetes aids, especially in introducing the hybrid closed-loop systems, in which insulin pumps and glucose monitors are integrated.
Patients with diabetes potentially will benefit significantly from the use of these systems. However, to justify reimbursement under the basic insurance package, these new products will have to comply with "science and practice" criteria. Currently available data on the effectiveness and efficiency of new MedTech products for diabetes care are limited.
The full details in Dutch can be found here.
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