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Jan 2022

Belgian KCE published a report on the evidence gaps at market entry in Europe for drugs and medical devices

On December 17, 2021, the Belgian Health Care Knowledge Center (KCE) published a health services research report “Evidence gaps for drugs and medical devices at market entry in Europe and potential solutions”. In this report, KCE examined the lack of comparative evidence health technology assessment (HTA) agencies and payers face in evaluating new medicinal products and high-risk medical devices at market entry.
Dec 2021

Health technology assessment of the remote monitoring of patients with implanted cardiac devices by KCE in Belgium

On November 9, 2021, the Belgian Health Care Knowledge Center (KCE) published the health technology assessment report "Remote monitoring of patients with cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIED)". Analysis of efficacy and safety of remote monitoring showed an advantage in various aspects. Cost-effectiveness analysis indicates that remote cardiac monitoring of ICDs and PMs is cost-effective compared to monitoring based on in-clinic visits.
Feb 2021

2021 APR-DRG tariffs released in Belgium

On January 19, 2021, the 2021 tariffs for APR-DRG groups, as well as the distribution of total amount within DRG among all specialists and services which are provided by them, were published. Except for the update of the tariffs, no other changes were introduced within the Belgian DRG system.
Feb 2021

Belgian KCE published a report on drivers and barriers for eHealth adoption in primary care

On January 19, 2021, Belgian Health Care Knowledge Center (KCE) published a health services research report "Barriers and facilitators for eHealth adoption by general practitioners”. Findings from the research show that there is a wide range of factors contributing to the uptake of eHealth technology by healthcare professionals. These factors range from the quality of the eHealth technology, use, and user satisfaction, net benefits, individual, organizational, and implementation characteristics to country-specific factors (such as governance, standards, funding, or trends).