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Draft 2022 High-End Medical Care reimbursement categories announced in Russia
At the beginning of September 2021, the Government of the Russian Federation released the preliminary version of the Program of State Guarantees for the period of 2022-2024. The program determines the average level of financing of health care services, but most importantly, the two lists of procedures covered as part of the High-End Medical Care (HEMC). The following changes are expected to be introduced:
- Major changes concerned the HEMC list I where two new procedures in the diagnostic imaging and cardiovascular field, as well as the neurovascular field, were added:
- The FFR/IVUS/OCT for PCI with 1-3 stents in stable angina only is included in the HEMC List I category #76 with the tariff of 315,814 RUB;
- The endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke is included in the HEMC List I category #77 with the tariff of 741,288 RUB;
- The HEMC list II was expanded with the procedures in the field of radiotherapy, neurology, and neurosurgery as well as surgical procedures as follows:
- The installation of an intensive pump for continuous gel infusion after preliminary nasojejunal titration is included in the HEMC list II category #13 with the tariff of 431,771 RUB;
- Total body irradiation, total lymphoid irradiation of the body, total bone marrow irradiation in children is included in the HEMC list II category #36 with the tariff of 584,382 RUB;
- Proton beam therapy, including children, was expanded inside the HEMC list II; it entered the neurosurgery group as a category #20 with the tariff of 2,009,410 RUB;
- Hybrid surgery for multilevel lesions of the main arteries and arteries of the lower extremities in patients with diabetes mellitus is included in the HEMC list II category #63 with the tariff of 655,545 RUB;
- The treatment of acute leukemia using biotechnological methods in children is included in the HEMC list II category #35 with the tariff of 2,972,565 RUB.
The final version of the Program of State Guarantees is planned to be released in December of 2021.
In parallel, at the beginning of September 2021, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation released a preliminary Order with the updated list of organizations that provide services included in the HEMC list II; it excludes the Ministry of Defence clinical rehabilitation facility but includes three new facilities (Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Rehabilitation Center of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Research Center "Pushchino Scientific Center for Biological Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences").
The preliminary version of the Program of State Guarantees can be found here.
The list of the organizations that provide High-End Medical Care can be found here.
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