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Feb 2021

Updates on Clinical Commissioning Work Programs in England

On January 07, 2021, NHS England published an update of the Specialized Services Policy Pipeline (covering the period October 19, 2020 - December 08, 2020). Two new Clinical Commissioning Policies were added to the work program, and six new policies related to radiotherapy, neurosurgery, pulmonology, and in-vitro diagnostics were published.
Feb 2021

Belgian KCE published a report on drivers and barriers for eHealth adoption in primary care

On January 19, 2021, Belgian Health Care Knowledge Center (KCE) published a health services research report "Barriers and facilitators for eHealth adoption by general practitioners”. Findings from the research show that there is a wide range of factors contributing to the uptake of eHealth technology by healthcare professionals. These factors range from the quality of the eHealth technology, use, and user satisfaction, net benefits, individual, organizational, and implementation characteristics to country-specific factors (such as governance, standards, funding, or trends).
Jan 2021

Experiments under Article 51 initiated in the fourth quarter of 2020 in France

The French Ministry of Solidarity and Health constantly announces the new experiments initiated under Article 51 of the Social Security Financing Act. These experiments are focused on various topics concerning medical technologies and organization of care. Eleven new experiments were initiated in the fourth quarter of 2020. The experiments concern areas of diabetes, nutrition, home monitoring of patients on oral cancer drugs, bariatric surgery, and others. More details about each of the experiments initiated in the fourth quarter of 2020 is provided in this article.
Jan 2021

Guide to good practice for digital and data-driven health and care technologies published in England

In January 2021, the NHS AI Lab has launched the guide to good practice for digital and data-driven health and care technologies to support innovators to understand what the NHS is looking for when it buys digital and data-driven technology for use in health and care. It is an update of the initially published guide in 2018, and now also reflect new initiatives, for example, the creation of the Centre for Improving Data Collaboration.
Jan 2021

The updated LPPR list for add-on reimbursement published in France

On January 18, 2021, a new version of the List of Reimbursable Products and Services (LPPR) was published. It contains new devices included in the LPPR list in November-December 2020, as well as other modifications made during this period. Newly-introduced devices belong to the cardiovascular (coronary stents), orthopedic, neuromodulation (deep brain stimulation), peripheral vascular (stent-grafts to treat aortic abdominal aneurysm), and other areas of care.
Jan 2021

Newly introduced services in the Russian High-End Medical Care lists in 2021

On December 28, 2020, the Government of the Russian Federation released a Decree which approved the program of State Guarantees in Health Care for 2021. The program determines the average level of financing of health care services, but most importantly, the list of procedures covered as part of the High-End Medical Care. The newly introduced High-End Medical Care lists changes concern the cardiovascular, neurological, ENT, surgical procedures, endocrine, orthopedics, dermatology, and other technology groups.
Jan 2021

Med Tech-related technology assessments and clinical guidelines from NICE in December 2020

In December 2020, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published one new medical technologies guidance (Zio XT for detecting cardiac arrhythmias), three Medtech innovation briefings (ReStore Soft Exo-Suit for gait rehabilitation, Cytosponge for detecting abnormal cells in the esophagus, and Evoke Spinal Cord Stimulator for managing chronic neuropathic or ischemic pain). Also, nine clinical guidance documents were updated.