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May 2021

MTRC HTA and Reimbursement Alerts service – a new industry standard in accessing market access information

In August, MTRC launched two subscription services with a focus on all published, initiated or ongoing HTA and reimbursement reports and decisions for medical devices, procedures and IVD tests. HTA Alerts is a global service and covers 56 organizations from 24 countries. Reimbursement Alerts is focused on 14 key European countries. All alerts are tailed to the technologies of interest for each client. You can request a free-of-charge 2-month sample of reporting for both services
May 2021

Three more health apps obtained reimbursement in Germany

In late April and early May 2021, three more health apps were introduced in the Directory of digital health applications (DiGAs) at the Federal Office for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) and thus became reimbursable. These apps can be prescribed by physicians and psychotherapists and will be reimbursed by health insurers. In total, fifteen health apps are now available at the DiGA Directory.
May 2021

New procedure and diagnostic codes added to the private reimbursement schedule in England

In April 2021, the Clinical Coding and Schedule Development (CCSD) working group, which develops and maintains procedural and diagnostics nomenclature for private payers in England, has published Bulletins 0176 and 0073 with changes to be implemented not later than August 01, 2021. Four new procedure codes related to men's health and breast surgery and one new companion diagnostic code were introduced.
Apr 2021

Update of the Norwegian Laboratory Code System released

On March 23, 2021, the Norwegian Directorate of e-Health released an updated version of the National Laboratory code (NLK) system and associated tariffs for state and private laboratories to be implemented not later than May 01, 2021. NLK system is used for activity-based reimbursement by the Norwegian Health Economics Administration (Helfo) in outpatient settings since 2018.Thirty-four new codes were added in medical biochemistry and medical microbiology areas.
Apr 2021

NHS Digital released HRG4+ 2021/22 Local Payment Grouper

On March 17, 2021, NHS Digital released HRG4+ 2021/22 Local Payment Grouper. In general, there were no significant changes in the HRG logic for 2021/22, and no new HRGs were introduced. Two new ICD-10 codes for COVID-19 were incorporated into the grouping logic in addition to three codes already included in the consultation grouper. Furthermore, three new Main Speciality Codes (MSC) and 25 new Treatment Function Codes (TFC), which were introduced in April 2020, became mandatory to use in Grouper from April 2021. These codes concern a wide specter of areas of care.
Apr 2021

Consultation on 2021/22 National Tariff Payment System is now open in England

On March 22, 2021, NHS England and NHS Improvement released 2021/22 National Tariff Payment System consultation documents and launched an online feedback survey that closes on April 30, 2021. The main proposed change is introducing an "Aligned Payment and Incentive" (API) approach, comprising fixed and variable elements, for almost all services in the scope of the tariff and limiting national prices to unbundled diagnostic imaging services.
Apr 2021

Order on the 2021 DRG system published in France

On March 31, 2021, the Order of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health on the 2021 DRG system was published in the Official Journal of the French Republic. The Order includes information on the 2021 updates of the DRG system, DRG tariffs, supplements for private and public hospitals, as well as the tariffs for specific packages (emergency treatment package, ATU; small equipment package, FFM; safety and hospital environment package, SE; administration package for pharmaceutical products, services, and specialties in a hospital environment, APE) applicable to the procedures performed in a hospital environment but without hospitalization, etc.
Apr 2021

2021/22 NHS Standard Contract published in England

On March 22, 2021, NHS England published the final version of the 2021/22 NHS Standard Contract and associated documents, which took effect from April 01, 2021. NHS England mandates the NHS Standard Contract for use by commissioners for all healthcare services contracts other than primary care. Changes mainly concerned introducing new "Aligned Payment and Incentive" (API) rules proposed by the 2021/22 National Tariff Payment System.