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Health technology assessment

Oct 2019

PET scan usefulness in non-oncological indications assessed by Spanish AETSA

In September 2019, the Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Department (AETSA) has released an assessment report regarding the evaluation of PET scan usefulness in non-oncological indications. The performed analysis showed that the quality of available systematic reviews related to the issue is generally low and, in some cases, moderate. The high-quality reviews, which conclude that routine use cannot be recommended, were found only for the indication of cognitive impairment with suspected Alzheimer's disease.
Oct 2019

Summary of the HTA, funding and innovation payment landscape for in-vitro and in-vivo diagnostics tests in Europe

MTRC has developed three reports on the key market access topics, including innovation funding, health technology assessment and funding frameworks for medical devices. These reports help to understand the relevance of these frameworks to certain types of medical technologies, including in-vitro and in-vivo diagnostics tests. This post provides some key facts about the HTA, funding and innovation payment landscape for in-vitro and in-vivo diagnostics tests in Europe.
Oct 2019

Summary of the HTA, funding and innovation payment landscape for gastrointestinal technologies in Europe

MTRC has developed three reports on the key market access topics, including innovation funding, health technology assessment and funding frameworks for medical devices. These reports help to understand the relevance of these frameworks to certain types of medical technologies, including gastrointestinal technologies. This post provides some key facts about the HTA, funding and innovation payment landscape for gastrointestinal devices in Europe.
Oct 2019

Prostate artery embolization assessed in Swedish South East healthcare region

In September 2019, Regional Methods Council of South East healthcare region released a report where compared the prostate artery embolization (PAE) for benign prostatic hyperplasia with the transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). It was outlined that costs and the need for blood transfusions for PAE are lower than for TURP. The use of registries for follow-up of patients and registration of side effects is strongly recommended.
Oct 2019

Ongoing HTA regarding lumbar spine dislocation by the Health Care Services Selection Council in Finland

In Finland, the Health Care Services Selection Council is responsible for making recommendations regarding the research, treatment, and rehabilitation methods. Currently, PALKO is working on the only one assessment related to medical technologies - rehabilitation and treatment of lumbar spine dislocation. In the final report, the Council would conclude whether the procedure is a part of publicly funded services or not.
Oct 2019

Summary of the HTA, funding and innovation payment landscape for ENT technologies in Europe

MTRC has developed three reports on the key market access topics, including innovation funding, health technology assessment and funding frameworks for medical devices. These reports help to understand the relevance of these frameworks to certain types of medical technologies, including ENT technologies. This post provides some key facts about the HTA, funding and innovation payment landscape for ENT devices in Europe.
Oct 2019

Prehospital CT for acute stroke was recommended in framework of research in Norway

In August 2019, the Decision Forum conducted the meeting towards the funding decisions for new methods, where concluded that prehospital CT ("stroke ambulance") for early diagnosis and treatment of suspected stroke can be used within the framework of controlled studies with a sufficient number of patients. The protocol of the Decision Forum meeting was released on the website of the New Method.
Oct 2019

Summary of the HTA, funding and innovation payment landscape for endoscopy technologies in Europe

MTRC has developed three reports on the key market access topics, including innovation funding, health technology assessment and funding frameworks for medical devices. These reports help to understand the relevance of these frameworks to certain types of medical technologies, including endoscopy technologies. This post provides some key facts about the HTA, funding and innovation payment landscape for endoscopy devices in Europe.
Oct 2019

Total or partial robotic-assisted nephrectomy evaluated by French HAS

In September 2019, the French High Authority for Health (HAS) has released an assessment report regarding the evaluation of total or partial robotic-assisted nephrectomy, compared to open surgery and conventional laparoscopic surgery. Due to the lack of any prospective comparative studies reporting robust results with relevant judgment criteria and collected with appropriate follow-up time, HAS could not comment on the expected service or the expected service improvement of robot-assisted nephrectomy compared to open surgery or conventional laparoscopic surgery.
Oct 2019

Summary of the HTA, funding and innovation payment landscape for E-Health technologies in Europe

MTRC has developed three reports on the key market access topics, including innovation funding, health technology assessment and funding frameworks for medical devices. These reports help to understand the relevance of these frameworks to certain types of medical technologies, including E-Health technologies. This post provides some key facts about the HTA, funding and innovation payment landscape for cardiovascular devices in Europe.
Oct 2019

Effectiveness of treatment for localized prostate cancer assessed in Norway

In August 2019, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health has released an HTA report regarding the effectiveness of treatment for localized prostate cancer commissioned by the Centre for joint decision-making to summarize the findings regarding this method. The effectiveness of the several treatment methods is unknown due to the lack of evidence. There is little or no difference in survival after radical prostatectomy compared to low-dose-rate brachytherapy.