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Summary of the HTA, funding and innovation payment landscape for radiology technologies in Europe
MTRC has developed three reports on the key market access topics, including innovation funding, health technology assessment and funding frameworks for medical devices. These reports help to understand the relevance of these frameworks to certain types of medical technologies, including radiology technologies.
Did you know that:
- There were 10 health technology assessments of radiology technologies in 2018 in Europe;
- These assessments were published only in 5 EU countries;
- Only 3 assessment were published by the regional HTA bodies, the remaining were published by the national organizations;
- There were 9 funding decisions about radiology technologies published in 3 EU with established funding frameworks countries for all time periods;
- In 44% of the cases, funding decisions were positive in relation to radiology technologies;
By accessing one or several of our syndicated reports you can:
- Understand the relevance of topics of innovation funding, health technology assessment and funding frameworks in the radiology field;
- Understand, which countries are more active with HTA, funding and innovation funding for radiology devices;
- Understand, what types of technologies typically triggers HTA or review by the funding authorities / decision-makers;
- Understand, what radiology technologies got positive and negative funding decisions;
- Develop fact-based market access strategies for your portfolio of devices;
- Prioritize markets, based on the solid information about HTA and reimbursement activity for your type of product.
You can get access either to the full reports or limited to the topic of radiology devices. Download sample pages of the reports via the links provided above.
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