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Health technology assessment

Sep 2020

MTRC developed the first issue of HTA Alerts

The first issue of HTA Alerts included 186 reports from European organizations only. This issue included reports, published or initiated from the 1st of August 2020, and ongoing reports. The most common technological fields were cardiovascular, gastroenterology, in-vitro diagnostics, men's health, neuromodulation, and orthopedics. Contact us if you want to receive a sample alert and to learn more about the service.
Sep 2020

Autologous chondrocyte implantation in the knee assessed by IQWiG in Germany

On behalf of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA), the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) investigated to what extent adults with symptomatic knee cartilage defect (but without advanced arthrosis) could benefit from autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) of different types: periosteal-covered (ACI-P), collagen-covered (ACI-C) or matrix-associated (M-ACI).
Aug 2020

Brief HTAs of eleven medical devices released in Tuscany

The HTA body of the Tuscany Regional Healthcare issues two types of documents: HTA forms and motivational forms. With a regional decree 12735 of August 13, 2020, Tuscany Regional Healthcare has published assessments of eleven medical devices of various therapeutic areas, including peripheral nerve stimulator, catheter for renal denervation, EKOS technology and others.
Aug 2020

Newborn screening for inherited metabolic disorders assessed by Spanish Avalia-T

In the middle of 2020, the Galician Scientific and Technical Advice Unit (Unidad de Asesoramiento Científico-técnico, Avalia-T) released a health technology assessment on clinical Effectiveness of newborn screening for inborn errors of metabolism by MS/MS that aimed to update the data collected in the pilot study. It is recommended to define health indicators, optimum and acceptable levels of some process indicators.
Aug 2020

Hepatitis C screening guide was released by the Spanish Ministry of Health

On the 9th of July 2020, the Ministry of Health of Spain released a screening guide for Hepatitis C infection as a part of the Strategic Plan for Addressing Hepatitis C in the National Health System. To improve access to screening and link to treatment monitoring, the guide proposes actions such as diagnosing the infection in a single step, training and support activities for health professionals, or a simplification of the models.
Aug 2020

Med Tech HTAs published by the Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment

In July 2020, the Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment (AIHTA) published five decision support documents. The assessed technologies included implantation of a wireless pulmonary artery pressure sensor in patients with advanced heart failure, intrauterine ultrasound-guided transcervical radiofrequency ablation, percutaneous transvascular implantation of a coronary sinus reducing stent, radiofrequency-induced intravesical chemohyperthermia for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer, and Vascular photodynamic therapy with Padeliporfin (Tookad® solution).