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Cost-effective reimbursement analysis for medical technologies in Europe

Procedure coding, payment mechanism, reimbursement tariffs, policy, and HTA considerations in 20 EU countries

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Reimbursement summary for angioplasty of arteries of lower extremities

This post presents an extract from our reimbursement analysis for angioplasty of arteries lower extremities using plain and drug-coated balloons (DCBs) for peripheral artery disease in England, France and Germany. Plain balloon angioplasty is reimbursement via DRG solely and DCBs are reimbursement via combination of DRG and add-on reimbursement.
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EU HTA Publication Digest: Technology Assessment vs. Technology Appraisal-How to Strengthen the Science/Value Dichotomy with EU HTA?

MTRC shares the most relevant and impactful publications in the field of market access and HEOR for medical technologies in Europe through its EU HTA Publications Digest. 

In a recent publication, Gsteiger et al. explored the conceptual divergence between “technology assessment” and “technology appraisal” in the context of the new EU HTA Regulation. The authors advocated for a clearer distinction between scientific evaluation and value judgments to ensure effective implementation and avoid ambiguity. The study emphasized the importance of transitioning from centralized assessments to national-level appraisal processes that reflect local value judgments and uncertainties.

Access the full-text article here.