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Coverage with evidence development (CED)

Jun 2018

MTRC overviews of reimbursement systems for medical devices in EU countries

MTRC has developed reimbursement overviews for 14 EU countries. Overviews cover stakeholders, money flow, payment model, DRG system, innovation funding, coverage with evidence development, the role of health technology assessment, funding frameworks and reimbursement pathways. Reports are delivered in PowerPoint. Video explanations are available as well.
Jan 2018

Three medical procedures covered with evidence development in Switzerland

The Department of Home Affairs (EDI) in Switzerland decided upon the coverage with evidence development (CED) of two types of positron emission tomography as well as stereotactic radiotherapy (photons) of exudative age-related macular degeneration. The status is given to contested medical services for a specific period which is extended until evidence is complete.
Nov 2017

The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) released guideline for co-funded trial to create evidence about the use of implanted sensors for the treatment of NYHA III heart failure patients

After successful trial application by a manufacturer (St. Jude Medical, now part of Abbott), the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) decided to conduct a co-funded study to create evidence about the measurement and monitoring of pulmonary artery pressure using an implanted sensor called “CardioMEMS™ HF System” to optimize therapy in NYHA III heart failure. The G-BA released a trial guideline defining the key points of the planned study, including type and duration of the study, target population and control intervention.
Oct 2017

NHS England released Commissioning through Evaluation Project Report by NICE in relation to the Selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT)

SIRT is not routinely commissioned in England. In 2013 NHS England commissioned an evaluation of SIRT for colorectal liver metastases and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma within registry in England, complemented by systematic literature review and de novo economic analysis (Commissioning Through Evaluation). In July 2017, NICE prepared a final report for NHS England, which was made public on 12th of October 2017.
Oct 2017

Lack of co-funding of study from the manufacturer puts high-intensity focused ultrasound at risk for exclusion from German social health insurance

German Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) passed directives for co-funded trials to create evidence on two high-intensity focused ultrasound methods that showed potential benefit in the early benefit assessment process in relation to the innovation funding (NUB). Manufacturer refused to cover required contribution to trial costs and thereby risk exclusion of the methods from benefit catalogues in the German social health insurance.