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Bariatric surgery

Oct 2020

Assessment of the new techniques of bariatric surgery in France

On October 15, 2020, the French National Authority for Health (HAS) published the report “New techniques of bariatric surgery: identification, the status of advancement and opportunities to evaluate,” in which they outlined three techniques currently diffusing in France (SADI-Sleeve, Endosleeve, and Sleeve Gastrectomy with Transit Bipartition). All three methods are the subject of ongoing clinical studies, and the evaluation will be initiated at the end of these studies.
Nov 2019

Omega-loop gastric bypass evaluated by French HAS

In September 2019, the French High Authority for Health (HAS) released an assessment report for gastric bypass, also known as omega loop in severe obesity. The evaluation aimed to compare omega-loop gastric bypass (OLGB) with Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) in terms of efficacy and safety. OLGB cannot be determined as an alternative treatment to RYGB considering the safety aspects due to a lack of efficacy and safety data. The method should be studied in a framework of clinical research.
Feb 2019

AGENAS calls for voluntary contribution for several HTA projects

In early February 2019, the entity that performs health technology assessment for medical devices in Italy, AGENAS, has called for the voluntary contribution of the clinical experts and/or reviewers, as well as for the participation of the manufacturers for announced that they’re working on several HTA projects on different medical devices and procedures, including bariatric surgery, continuous glucose monitoring, Elecsys®sFlt-1/PlGF test and others.
Aug 2018

MTRC has released European reimbursement report for bariatric surgery in 11 EU countries

The report presents a summary of the reimbursement situation for bariatric surgery. Report includes analysis for placement of adjustable gastric band, sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric bypass. The analysis covers procedure coding, payment mechanism, reimbursement tariffs and policy restrictions in 11 EU countries including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.
Jan 2018

Oleg Borisenko co-authored publication about cost-effectiveness of bariatric surgery in Belgium

Article “Cost-effectiveness analysis of bariatric surgery for morbid obesity in Belgium” published in the “Journal of Medical Economics” provides insights about economic outcomes of bariatric surgery in Belgium using Markov modeling. Over the 10-year horizon, bariatric surgery led to a cost increment of €3,788 and 1.4 additional QALY (€2,809/QALY) compared with optimal medical management. Over lifetime horizon, surgery led to 1.1 life years and 5.0 QALY gains and €9,332/patient average cost savings.
Dec 2017

Oleg Borisenko co-authored publication about cost-effectiveness of bariatric surgery in Spain

Article “Bariatric surgery versus conservative management for morbidly obese patients in Spain: a cost-effectiveness analysis” published in the “Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research” provides insights about economic outcomes of bariatric surgery in Spain using Markov modeling. Over the 10-year horizon, bariatric surgery led to a cost increment of €9,386 and 1.6 additional QALY (€5,966/QALY) compared with optimal medical management. Over lifetime horizon, surgery led to 0.6 life years and 4.4 QALY gains and €300/patient average cost savings.