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Application for innovative project funding opened in Switzerland
Switzerland is set to remain one of the leading countries in the development and application of digital technologies. Thus, the Swiss innovation agency, InnoSuisse, reminds that the deadline for the application for funding of truly innovative projects is May 20, 2019. The Swiss Federal Council has ensured an additional amount of CHF 24 million for 2019 and 2020 for the “Impulse digitalization programme”.
The “Impulse digitalization programme” funds innovation projects at the interface between research and technology transfers that Swiss companies conduct together with research institutions in the digitally-oriented "Industry 4.0 and modern manufacturing technologies" segment. Additional funding for 2019 and 2020 will amount to CHF 24 million for this program.
The programme is primarily aimed at consortia comprised of companies and research institutions which are active on a digital basis in the “Industry 4.0 and modern manufacturing technologies” segment. On the economic front, these are mostly companies in the vertical and horizontal value-creation chains. However, besides the medical technology industry, pharma, and biotech industry, this program grants funding to companies from other industries, too.
The same conditions apply as for Innosuisse’s regular innovation project funding. However, there are also particular funding criteria:
- Exploratory projects - preference for funding will be given to exploratory projects at the interface between research and technology transfer, in which larger consortia or research associations work together with interdisciplinary teams from the worlds of research and industry
- Create quantitative advantages or new production opportunities - the projects are intended to provide the Swiss economy with quantitative advantages such as increased productivity
- 50% share can be reduced - the usual rules requiring a contribution of at least 50% to the project costs by the implementation partners can be reduced as a result of a case-by-case basis if the projects are particularly innovative and have above-average potential for success or their results could benefit a wide range of users
- Comparatively higher material costs are eligible for funding - relatively higher proportions of material costs in the total costs are also generally eligible for funding for exploratory consortium projects, provided that the costs flow into pilot and demonstration systems with broader benefits, for example, and are reasonable in proportion to staff expenses
- Good opportunities for follow-up projects - due to their exploratory and consortium character, high-quality projects with a correspondingly successful course are expected to have good opportunities for follow-up projects with specific applications for individual implementation partners
The call for 18-month-long projects has ended in January, but the call for 12-month-long projects is open until May 20, 2019. The funding decision will be brought in September 2019, and the project should start on November 1, 2019.
See the full news in English (change to German, French or Italian in the top-right corner), with all the details (application form included) here.
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