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Feb 2021

LPPR List dossier submission guide published in English

On February 4, 2021, the guide on dossier submission to the Medical Device and Health Technology Evaluation Committee (CNEDiMTS) for the inclusion of the device in the List of Reimbursable Products and Services (LPPR) was published in English. Furthermore, the guide was recently updated with the information dedicated to the technologies falling within the scope of artificial intelligence.
Feb 2021

Pre-selection of 2021 innovation projects applications published in France

On February 5, 2021, the French Ministry of Solidarity and Health published the results of the pre-selection of applications submitted in 2020 for participating in the coverage with evidence development programs. Regarding the Health Economic Research Program (PRME), 20 applications regarding various medical technologies were selected, including high throughput genome sequencing analysis in pediatric diagnostics, robotic thoracic surgery during lobectomy or segmentectomy in lung cancer, robotic gastric bypass for morbid obesity, mechanical thrombectomy techniques in the treatment of ischemic stroke, CAR-T cell therapy in the treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas, creation of arteriovenous accesses for hemodialysis - the surgical technique and the endovascular technique, etc. Regarding the national Hospital Program of Clinical Research (PHRC-N), 205 applications were pre-selected.
Feb 2021

Robotic-assisted surgery evaluated in Scotland

In February 2021, Healthcare Improvement Scotland released a review of recently published evidence to inform the National Planning Robotic Review Group on the impact of the number of robotic-assisted procedures (gynecological, colorectal, urological) per treatment center/surgeon on the outcomes achieved and any related evidence on the learning curves for these procedures.
Feb 2021

Rapid HTAs of eight medical devices released in Tuscany

The HTA body of the Tuscany Regional Healthcare issues two types of documents: HTA forms and motivational forms. With a regional decree 554 of January 18, 2021, Tuscany Regional Healthcare has published assessments of eight medical devices of various therapeutic areas, including devices for the treatment of cardiovascular conditions, personal diabetes management system, endoscopic devices, and pedicle screw system.
Feb 2021

Ongoing HTAs by the Health Care Services Selection Council in Finland

In Finland, the Health Care Services Selection Council (Terveydenhuollon palveluvalikoimaneuvosto, PALKO) is responsible for making recommendations regarding the research, treatment, and rehabilitation methods. Currently, the Council is working on assessments of chronic low back pain treatment and screening for severe combined immune deficiency in a neonatal heel sample.
Feb 2021

Russia: Proportion of labor cost of High-End Medical Care tariffs updated in Russia

On January 21, 2021, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation published an order approving the 2021 proportion of labor cost of High-End Medical Care (not included in the Mandatory Health Insurance program - List II) tariffs. The proportion of labor cost of most High-End Medical Care categories remained unchanged, while the proportion of several categories in the areas of pediatric care and cardiovascular surgery were increased by up to 5%.
Feb 2021

New procedure codes and diagnostic codes added to the private reimbursement schedule in England

In January 2021, the Clinical Coding and Schedule Development (CCSD) working group, which develops and maintains procedural and diagnostics nomenclature for private payers in England, has published Bulletins 0174 and 0071 with changes to be implemented not later than May 01, 2021. Five new procedure codes related to the areas of men's health, robotic surgery, endoscopy, and orthopedics, as well as three new diagnostic codes, were introduced.