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Jun 2021

Updates on Clinical Commissioning Work Programs in England

On May 17, 2021, NHS England published an update of the Specialized Services Policy Pipeline (covering the period January 20, 2021 - April 20, 2021). One new Clinical Commissioning Policy related to radiotherapy was added to the work program, and four new policies related to radiotherapy were published in the period from January 20, 2021, to April 20, 2021. Two policies related to heart valve procedures and extracorporeal treatment were discontinued.
Jun 2021

Dutch Healthcare Institute position on the reimbursement of molecular diagnostics in oncology

In mid-May 2021, the Dutch Healthcare Institute (ZIN) published an advice "Molecular Diagnostics: determining the position on molecular diagnostics in oncology," which was developed at the request of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. The objective of the position is to organize molecular diagnostics within standard regular care and develop a framework for the accessibility and integral implementation of new tests in practice.
May 2021

Health App Directory has been online for one year in Germany: facts and numbers

The application portal for inclusion in the Health App Directory at the Federal Office for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) in Germany has been online since May 27, 2020. The first reimbursable health apps were introduced on the Directory in early October 2020. As of May 27, 2021, a total of 74 applications were received, 51 of which for provisional listing and 23 for final listing. Fifteen applications (20%) were introduced on the Directory.
May 2021

MedTech-related technology assessments and clinical guidelines from NICE in April 2021

In April 2021, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published three new Interventional Procedure Guidance (repetitive short-pulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation for glaucoma, deep brain stimulation for chronic, severe, treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder in adults, and Melphalan chemosaturation for primary or metastatic cancer in the liver) and two Medtech Innovation Briefings (microINR for anticoagulation therapy and RenalSense Clarity RMS for acute kidney injury), and two clinical guidelines (for atrial fibrillation and chronic pain in over 16s).
May 2021

Updated Evidence Standards Framework for digital health technologies and the launch of a new Office for Digital Health by NICE

On May 10, 2021, NICE announced the update of the evidence standards framework (ESF) for digital health technologies with changes in response to an ESF user survey that ran from October to December 2019. Furthermore, NICE launched a new Office for Digital Health to coordinate its digital health activities and strategic projects and manage collaboration with external partners.
May 2021

Ongoing HTAs by the Galician Scientific and Technical Advice Unit

The Galician Scientific and Technical Advice Unit in Spain (AVALIA-T) systematically evaluates healthcare technologies and provides decision-makers with critically reviewed information about their efficacy, safety, and effectiveness. Currently, the AVALIA-T is working on assessments of ventricular assist devices in pediatric patients with an indication for permanent destination therapy, bronchial thermoplasty for severe acute asthma, effectiveness and safety of epiduroscopy in the treatment of failed back surgery syndrome, and other topics.