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Dec 2021

Approval of the Digital Health Strategy of the National Health System in Spain

On December 2, 2021, the Digital Health Strategy of the National Health System (SNS) was approved by the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System (CISNS) with an endowment of more than €675 million within the Transformation, Recovery, and Resilience Mechanism of the Government of Spain. The Digital Health Strategy is expected to promote the SNS values such as equity, sustainability, and transparency and boost the transformation of the SNS care model in the upcoming years.
Dec 2021

Ongoing re-evaluations of the compulsory benefits program in Switzerland

In 2015, the Federal Office for Public Health launched an HTA program intending to reassess the benefits already reimbursed by compulsory health insurance. The following ongoing re-evaluations are in progress: multigene expression tests in breast cancer, cardiac catheterization for coronary artery disease, invasive procedures for coronary artery disease, removal of osteosynthesis materials, etc.
Dec 2021

Seven technologies will be supported by the 2022/23 MedTech Funding Mandate in England

In early December 2021, NHS Accelerated Access Collaborative announced seven technologies that will be covered by the MedTech Funding Mandate (MTFM) in 2022/23: four for benign prostatic hyperplasia treatment (UroLift, GreenLight XPS, Rezum, and PLASMA system), and three for improving the patient experience during procedures (XprESS multi-sinus dilation system, Thopaz+, and Spectra Optia). Four technologies included in 2021/22 (placental growth factor-based testing, SecurAcath, HeartFlow, and gammaCore) will continue to be supported.
Dec 2021

The implementation of the 2021-2024 HTA Methodology Program by the Dutch Organization for Health Research and Development

The Dutch Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), in collaboration with the National Health Care Institute (ZIN), initiated the new HTA Methodology Program for 2021-2024. On November 4, 2021, the ZonMw published the gap analysis of the needs of important stakeholders regarding HTA and formulated recommendations that can provide guidance for the 2021-2024 HTA Methodology Program.
Dec 2021

Med Tech-related technology assessments and clinical guidelines from NICE in November 2021

In November 2021, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published two new Interventional Procedure Guidance (percutaneous implantation of pulmonary artery pressure sensors in chronic heart failure and coronary sinus narrowing device implantation for refractory angina), one new Medical Technologies Guidance (Synergo for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer), one new Diagnostic Guidance (SeHCAT for diagnosing bile acid diarrhea), and four new Medtech Innovation Briefings (clonoSEQ for minimal residual disease, CerebAir for continuous EEG monitoring, 24/7 EEG SubQ for epilepsy, Paige Prostate for prostate cancer). Also, three new clinical guidelines were published, and six were updated.
Dec 2021

Recommendations about add-on reimbursement for medical devices in France in November 2021

The French National Authority for Health (HAS) released new recommendations about add-on reimbursement of medical devices and medical aids from the meetings of the National Commission for Evaluation of Medical Devices and Health Technologies (CNEDiMTS) in November 2021. More than 15 recommendations were published in relation to the registration, modification of registration conditions, renewal of registration of devices in the List of reimbursable products and services (LPPR). Opinions concern cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, neurovascular, dermatological, and endocrine devices, as well as medical aids.
Dec 2021

Health technology assessment of the remote monitoring of patients with implanted cardiac devices by KCE in Belgium

On November 9, 2021, the Belgian Health Care Knowledge Center (KCE) published the health technology assessment report "Remote monitoring of patients with cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIED)". Analysis of efficacy and safety of remote monitoring showed an advantage in various aspects. Cost-effectiveness analysis indicates that remote cardiac monitoring of ICDs and PMs is cost-effective compared to monitoring based on in-clinic visits.
Dec 2021

Regular update of the Norwegian Laboratory Code System released

On November 23, 2021, the Norwegian Directorate of e-Health released an updated version of the National Laboratory code (NLK) system and associated tariffs for state and private laboratories to be implemented no later than January 01, 2021. NLK system has been used for activity-based reimbursement by the Norwegian Health Economics Administration (Helfo) in outpatient settings since 2018. Thirty new codes were added in medical biochemistry, immunology and transfusiology, and clinical pharmacology areas.