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News and blog posts

Jun 2017

MTRC offers introductory course in market access for Med Tech and IVD companies

MTRC has developed a comprehensive introductory course in European market access. Course has duration between few hours and one day and takes place on your site. Topics include payment mechanisms, reimbursement pathways, role of HTA, economic argumentation and others. The cost is 5,000 euros irrespective of number of participants and duration of the course.
Jun 2017

NICE is to launch new evidence tool for medtech industry

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s Scientific Advice service is launching an online tool to help developers of medical devices and diagnostics understand and generate the evidence needed to show their products are clinically and cost effective. This will help companies prepare for a dialogue with health technology assessment organisations and payers and potentially speed up time to market.
May 2017

French National Authority for Health (HAS) published new set of decisions by CNEDiMTS about add-on and medical aid reimbursement from the meetings in April and May

French National Authority for Health (HAS) released new decisions about add-on and medical aid reimbursement of 9 medical devices from the meetings of the National Commission for Evaluation of Medical Devices and Health Technologies (CNEDiMTS) in May and April. Among others decision included MRI compatible and recharge free spinal cord stimulation devices, resorbable plates for osteosynthesis.
May 2017

German IQWIG published the final report of assessment of continuous active motion in the treatment of rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament

In 2016, the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) commissioned the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) to perform evaluation of controlled active motion (CAM) in patients with rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament. The final report of assessment was published on May of 2017. No definite conclusion can be made in relation to comparative efficacy and safety of studied technologies due to lack of evidence.