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Tricuspid valve repair and replacement

Jul 2024

New med tech-related decision support documents published in Austria

On July 15, 2024, the Austrian Institute for HTA (AIHTA) published three decision support documents that provide recommendations regarding the inclusion of new medical interventions in the catalog of individual medical services (MEL) for reimbursement, as well as two updates to previous decision support documents. The decisions relate to cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, interventional radiology, neuromodulation, and endocrine technology groups.
Jun 2024

2024 RedETS working plan published in Spain

On May 23, 2024, the 2024 working plan was published by the Spanish Network of HTA Agencies (RedETS). Topics in cardiovascular, diagnostic imaging, e-health, endoscopy, ENT, extracorporeal treatments, ICU/OR, in-vitro diagnostics, interventional radiology, men’s health, neurology and neurosurgery, neuromodulation, obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedics, peripheral vascular, pulmonary and airways, radiology, radiotherapy, robotic surgery, spine, surgical procedures, and some other fields are included in the plan.
Apr 2024

Rapid HTAs of four medical devices released in Tuscany

The HTA body of the Tuscany Regional Healthcare issues three types of documents: full HTA reports, rapid HTA reports, and motivational forms. With regional decree 6700 of March 27, 2024, Tuscany Regional Healthcare published three new assessments and one re-assessment of medical devices in the cardiovascular, men’s health, nephrology and urology, and surgical procedures areas.
Feb 2023

The 2023 list of medical technologies approved for innovation funding (NUB) released in Germany

On January 30, 2023, the Institute for the Hospital Remuneration System (InEK) published the list of the requests for innovation funding (NUB) that were submitted by the hospitals in 2022. The medical technologies belonging to the cardiovascular, eHealth, gastrointestinal, neuromodulation, neurovascular, peripheral vascular, orthopedic, and other technology groups obtained positive status 1.
Aug 2022

Med Tech-related technology assessments and clinical guidelines from NICE in July 2022

In July 2022, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published two new Interventional Procedure Guidance (transcatheter tricuspid valve annuloplasty for tricuspid regurgitation, and transcatheter tricuspid valve leaflet repair for tricuspid regurgitation), one new Diagnostic Guidance (PLGF-based testing to help diagnose suspected preterm pre-eclampsia), and four new Medtech Innovation Briefings (ProciseDx point-of-care platform for IBD, RespiraSense for continuously monitoring respiratory rate, Lenus COPD Support Service, and cyanoacrylate glue for hernia mesh fixation). Also, five clinical guidelines were updated.
Dec 2021

Med Tech-related technology assessments and clinical guidelines from NICE in November 2021

In November 2021, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published two new Interventional Procedure Guidance (percutaneous implantation of pulmonary artery pressure sensors in chronic heart failure and coronary sinus narrowing device implantation for refractory angina), one new Medical Technologies Guidance (Synergo for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer), one new Diagnostic Guidance (SeHCAT for diagnosing bile acid diarrhea), and four new Medtech Innovation Briefings (clonoSEQ for minimal residual disease, CerebAir for continuous EEG monitoring, 24/7 EEG SubQ for epilepsy, Paige Prostate for prostate cancer). Also, three new clinical guidelines were published, and six were updated.