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Aug 2017

Russian Government has updated the List of medical devices which limits procurement for state and municipal needs to only the Russian-made products

Decree #968 introduced a number of additional products for which procurement will be limited to Russian-made products only. The List includes devices for blood transfusion, containers for storage and transport of blood, consumables for mechanical lung ventilation, consumables for plasmapheresis, consumables for cardiopulmonary bypass, urine, and fecal collectors.
Aug 2017

NHS Supply Chain has released a new version of the compendium of responses to the frequently asked questions in relation to the NHS England High-Cost Tariff-Excluded Devices (HCTEDs) programme

Since April 2016, procurement of a number of devices, which are reimbursed on top of HRG in England via High Cost Device List, was transferred from local level to the national level under NHS Supply Chain. NHS Supply Chain released a new set of questions and answers to the most common questions from the providers. The document provides substantial insights into specifics of the procurement process.