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One new project awarded in the "Subsidy scheme for promising care" in the Netherlands
In July 2023, the ZIN announced one more project awarded under round 7 of the Promising care subsidy scheme in 2023. The project relates to bronchial thermoplasty in comparison with the standard care (according to the applicable clinical guidelines) in 90 adult patients with severe, uncontrolled asthma and two or more exacerbations in the past year, despite optimal therapy (including a biological if eligible), was awarded a subsidy within the framework of the "Subsidy scheme for promising care". The project started in July 2023 and will last for six years.
Two more projects within this round were awarded at the end of March 2023.
The objective of the "Subsidy scheme for promising care" is to support the development of missing evidence for promising care, which otherwise cannot be included for coverage in Basic Health Insurance. Evidence developed in the program should support a positive assessment by the Dutch Healthcare Institute (ZIN) in the future and inclusion in Basic Health Insurance. The scheme is considered coverage with the evidence development program.
After the completion of the project, the research results will be submitted to the Dutch Healthcare Institute (ZIN) around July 2029 for the decision about inclusion in Basic Health Insurance. The publication of the ZIN position on reimbursement under the Basic Insurance Package is scheduled for January 2030.
The full details in Dutch can be found here.
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