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New evidence generation program for medical aids care at home in the Netherlands
In July 2020, new subsidy options for medical aids care at home became available within the Dutch program Good use of care at home (GGH). By funding research, the GGH program stimulates knowledge development about the quality, safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of innovative medical aids care at home. The deadline for submitting applications is 6 October 2020.
The GGH program focuses on research on the effectiveness and costs of medical aids care at home. This concerns primary medical care that belongs to or may become part of the Health Insurance Act (Zvw) in the future. Because of the social developments surrounding 'Right care in the right place,' the cross-domain problems, and the substitution of care, there is limited scope for research into medical care at home through the Social Support Act (Wmo) and the Long-Term Care Act (WIz). That is why the ideas for the project might be discussed via email to
The total budget for this subsidy round is €2.2 million. The target amount per project is €600,000 if properly substantiated in the budget. The maximum duration of a project is six years.
The full details in Dutch can be found here.
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