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Reimbursement summary for angioplasty of arteries of lower extremities

This post presents an extract from our reimbursement analysis for angioplasty of arteries lower extremities using plain and drug-coated balloons (DCBs) for peripheral artery disease in England, France and Germany. Plain balloon angioplasty is reimbursement via DRG solely and DCBs are reimbursement via combination of DRG and add-on reimbursement.
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Grants for experimental cancer surgery in Denmark in 2017/20

The pool for the provision of experimental cancer surgery is one of the initiatives in Cancer Plan IV and is funded by the Danish Finance Act for 10 million DKK for the period of 2017 - 2020. Experimental treatment covers treatment without same degree of scientific evidence as in standard treatment, if there is likehood that the patient will benefit from experimental treatment.

The first distribution took place in autumn 2017. The second round of applications lasts until September 5, 2018, when interested hospital departments in the Danish regions again apply for funds to perform the experimental surgery.

At the first round of applications in 2017, the National Board of Health distributed approximately 1.7 million DKK for 2017 and about 1.5 million DKK for 2018.

More detailed description of experimental cancer surgery and the process of application can be found here.

See full details here.

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