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Deadline for submission of proposals for early reimbursement of innovative in-vitro diagnostic tests in France
Ministry of Health will close applications for proposals for inclusion of novel innovative tests into the List of Acts Outside Nomenclature in 2018 (Référentiel des actes Innovants Hors Nomenclatures, RIHN) 3rd of October 2017.
RIHN list includes IVD tests, for which definite value cannot be established yet and these tests cannot be included in NABM Nomenclature. For some of the tests, validation studies within PHRC or PRME frameworks can be running, which also precludes evaluation by National Authority for Health (HAS) for NABM Nomenclature. However, due to high potential value, these tests are temporary reimbursed via research budget by the Ministry of Health.
Application can be made via Innovarc online platform.
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