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Commission for the Evaluation of Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Predictive Technologies established at the HAS in France
In the middle of April 2023, the French National Authority for Health (HAS) published a decision modifying its internal regulations establishing the “Commission for the Evaluation of Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Predictive Technologies (CEDiag)”.
This Commission is responsible for preparing the opinions and decisions of the HAS and HAS commissions (Transparency Committee, the National Committee for the Evaluation of Medical Devices and Health Technologies (CNEDiMTS), the Economic and Public Health Evaluation Commission (CEESP)) whether or not they meet as an inter-commission, relating to the evaluation of health technologies for diagnostic, prognostic or predictive purposes.
The details on the CEDiag organization and functioning are provided in the HAS document “Rules of Procedure of the CEDiag”, published in early April 2023.
See the details in French here (decision on CEDiag) and here (CEDiag rules of procedure)
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