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CGM and FGM devices are now covered for more clinical indications in Belgium
Changes were made in the Convention for self-monitoring equipment for adult diabetic patients (fifth amendment to the Convention).
Before June 30, 2023, sensor-based glucose monitoring was fully covered by health insurance only for type 1 diabetes and some rare conditions (e.g., complete loss of endocrine function of the pancreas, cystic fibrosis, and monogenic diabetes).
From July 1, 2023, full health insurance coverage for CGM/FGM is expanded to add more clinical indications, including type 2 diabetes treated with three or more insulin injections per day, insulin-treated gestational diabetes, and others.
The Convention for diabetes in children and adolescents was updated as well (changes were published in the third amendment to the Convention). From July 1, 2023, health insurance fully covers the CGM/FGM for all diabetic children and adolescents under the age of 18 and for most diabetic adolescents aged 18 and 19.
See more information in French here and here.
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