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Application period for 2023 DRG changes now open in Denmark
In early July 2021, the Danish Health Authority (Sundhedsdatastyrelsen) has opened the application period for 2023 DRG grouping logic changes. The deadline for the submission of the applications is January 6, 2022.
The applications should be developed using the application forms provided on the Danish Health Authority website and submitted via email ( There are separate application forms to propose the change, removal, or addition of a new DRG.
Applications can be sent by Regions, hospital boards, directors of hospitals, and directors of clinics, clinical associations, clinicians, or clinician's secretaries.
Once a proposal has been processed by the Health Data Authority, the proposer receives written feedback, and the proposals made are published on the Danish Health Data Authority website with comments and status.
The full details in Danish can be found here.
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