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Reimbursement summary for angioplasty of arteries of lower extremities

This post presents an extract from our reimbursement analysis for angioplasty of arteries lower extremities using plain and drug-coated balloons (DCBs) for peripheral artery disease in England, France and Germany. Plain balloon angioplasty is reimbursement via DRG solely and DCBs are reimbursement via combination of DRG and add-on reimbursement.
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MTRC released report on innovative payment schemes for medical technologies in Europe in 2019

Innovative payment schemes are an important part of the reimbursement landscape for medical technologies. Two key types of schemes are innovation funding (when payment is provided for innovation unconditionally) and coverage with evidence development (when either financing for a study or coverage with the obligation to perform the study is provided to medical technology).

MTRC has developed an in-depth overview of the innovative payment schemes, active in 2019 in seven European countries, including detailed statistics about the activity of the schemes.

This report is built on the 2018 report, sponsored by the Med Tech Europe, but it includes a significant revision of several sections, update of all statistical information, and several completely new sections (G-BA Innovation Fund in Germany, New subsidy for promising care in the Netherlands, Article 51 of the Social Security Law in France).

In total, 16 schemes from 7 countries are reviewed in the report:

  • Austria: Provisional procedure codes for new diagnostic or therapeutic methods (NUB);
  • Belgium: Restricted Clinical Application for invasive medical devices and implants (Application Clinique Limité);
  • England: Innovation Technology Payment (ITP), Innovation and Technology Tariff (ITT), and Commissioning through Evaluation;
  • France: Hospital Program of Clinical Research (PHRC), Health Economic Research Program (PRME), Innovation Package (forfait innovation) and List of biological and anatomocytopathology innovative acts outside the nomenclature (RIHN), Article 51 of the Social Security Law;
  • Germany: New diagnostic or therapeutic methods (Neue Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmethoden, NUB) and Government-co-sponsored studies according to the §137e of the German Social Code Book V, G-BA Innovation Fund;
  • Netherlands: New subsidy scheme for promising care and small-scale experiments for the introduction of innovations (Innovatie voor kleinschalige experimenten);
  • Switzerland: Provisional reimbursement of medical procedures (Leistungen in Evaluation).

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