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Regular update of the Norwegian Laboratory Code System released
On May 23, 2024, the Norwegian Directorate of Health released an updated version of the Norwegian Laboratory Code (NLK) system (Norsk laboratoriekodeverk 7280.72) and associated tariffs (Laboratoriekodeverk som gir rett til refusjon) for state and private laboratories to be implemented no later than July 1, 2024. NLK system is used for activity-based reimbursement by the Norwegian Health Economics Administration (Helfo) for laboratory tests performed in outpatient settings.
Twenty-two new codes were added in medical biochemistry, medical microbiology, and clinical pharmacology fields. Some examples of the newly added codes are:
- NPU62637 DNA MCM6 gene (NG_008958.1:g.30267T>G) Lactose intolerance;
- NOR35331 Cult-Staphylococcus (mecA) (culture);
- NPU58099 Us-Neisseria gonorrhea DNA (Chinolone-resistant) (unspecified sample);
- NPU62639 Secr(Cervix uteri)-Human papillomavirus type 56, 59, 66 DNA (cervical secretions);
- NPU62793 F-Enterococcus (Linezolid-resistant) culture (feces).
Furthermore, 49 codes were amended.
See the full details in Norwegian here (codes) and here (tariffs).
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