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E-health HTAs published in Scotland in October 2021
In October 2021, the Scottish Health Technology Group, SHTG, released two Innovative Medical Technology Overviews for e-health technologies.
The Scottish asynchronous digital dermatology appointment service (DDAS) is an asynchronous virtual dermatology clinic that allows patients to submit images of their skin condition, along with answers to specific questions about their skin condition, to a dermatology specialist (link).
The SHTG concluded that the DDAS has provided continuity of access to dermatology services in three Scottish health boards during the COVID-19 pandemic. Boards that have implemented the DDAS have reported no problems associated with recruiting older patients, children, or patients with limited technological skills. All boards have alternatives in place for patients who do not wish to use the DDAS. The planned roll-out of the DDAS to additional health boards across Scotland should provide more data, with the potential for further performance and economic analyses of the service.
The Dxcover™ Brain Cancer Liquid Biopsy is a biopsy test that uses machine learning to identify and compare patterns in the biochemical profile of serum from patients with and without brain cancer (link).
The SHTG concluded that the exploratory cost-effectiveness model based on early pre-trial data suggested the Dxcover™ test was likely cost-effective if the prevalence of brain cancer in the primary care population being considered for referral was 1% or higher. A test cost of £100 was assumed. Further work is required to confirm the accuracy of the test in a primary care population; to assess the effect of the test on patient pathways; to examine the impact on patient outcomes; to define the cost-effectiveness.
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