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Surgical treatment of abdominal rectus diastasis HTA released in Swedish Örebro County Council
In Sweden, the County Councils are grouped into six healthcare regions to facilitate cooperation and to maintain a high level of advanced medical care. One of them is Örebro County Council with its Centre for Assessment of Medical Technology (CAMTÖ). This center serving the whole of Örebro County Council commissioned to promote Evidence-Based Medicine and to act as an advisory body within the County Council in matters related to Health Technology Assessment. It initiates processes to distribute the conclusions of national or regional systematic literature reviews to healthcare through the Council for Medical Knowledge Management. It produces systematic literature reviews for decision making, for example, on introducing new methods, or disposal of existing methodology. It leads to the development of HTA cooperation in the healthcare region Uppsala-Örebro.
In September 2019, CAMTÖ has released a systematic review on surgical treatment of abdominal rectus diastasis (ARD) one year after delivery that aimed to investigate the scientific evidence for surgical treatment of ARD as the lack of clinical guidelines and recommendations for the prevention and treatment of studied condition, including the indication for surgical treatment is in place.
The literature search was performed. However, only one RCT was identified, but as the design of the study was associated with a high risk of bias, no conclusions could be drawn.
See the full information in Swedish here.
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