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Services of MTRC

Jun 2023

Opportunity to comment on the design of the upcoming Reimbursement/HTA decisions database from MTRC

MTRC is developing a novel digital product - Reimbursement and HTA Market Intelligence Database, which will allow access to the historical reimbursement/HTA decisions for individual technology groups (e.g. cardiovascular, robotic, IVD etc.), for individual countries, filtering decisions by type of decision (e.g. procedure coding, payment mechanisms, innovation funding etc.). There will be a small overlap between the upcoming database product and the existing Reimbursement and HTA Alerts newsletter; however, the database will offer much broader functionality and several additional benefits. We invite our existing and prospective clients to comment on the design of the upcoming solution.
May 2023

MTRC welcomes Health Economist Agni Baka to the team

We are happy to announce a further expansion of our HEOR Department with Agni Baka, a health economist from the Netherlands. Agni holds a Master's Degree in Health Economics from the Erasmus University Rotterdam (2013), and she is a PhD Candidate (2023) from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Agni has six years of experience in the field of health economics and European health technology assessment (HTA). Agni combines expertise from both consultancy (Mapi Group in the Netherlands) and academia (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). Agni was involved in health economic research of non-pharmaceutical health interventions in the Netherlands and had a number of health economic publications in peer-reviewed journals (Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, Behavioral Sleep Medicine, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity).
Mar 2023

Top 15 countries for geographical coverage of MTRC services

Since 2017 MTRC has provided reimbursement and HEOR services for the medical device and IVD industry in Europe. We specialize in Pan-European projects and worked in 34 countries in Europe. In this post, we summarized statistics about our experience with reimbursement projects in different EU countries. Three leading countries are England (273 projects), Germany (247 projects), and France (203 projects).
Mar 2023

MTRC offers a cost-effective and fast approach to adapting global health economic models to European settings

MTRC is the leading provider of market access services in Europe. Since 2017 we have accomplished 700+ projects in Europe. We provide regular consulting services to 56% of top 30 med tech companies and multiple SMEs. The typical scope of model adaptation includes adjustment of epidemiological data, validation of comparator, an adaptation of resource use and cost data, and search for local utility data. MTRC has a unique ability to work on model adaptations due to its unparalleled knowledge of payment systems in 34 European countries. We worked on model adaptations in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and the UK.
Mar 2023

MTRC starts providing a service of reimbursement analysis in Australia

Australia is a complex country from a market access perspective. The main aspects of the healthcare system are centralized, with minor differences among states and territories. Hospitals are financed by both the states/territories and the Australian Government, and they receive budgets adjusted for DRG and outpatient activities. Physician activities are reimbursed separately according to the Medicare Benefits Schedule. HTA framework is incorporated in the process of inclusion of new services in the Medicare Benefits Schedule.
Feb 2023

MTRC starts providing a service of reimbursement analysis in Canada

Canada is a complex country from a market access perspective. The healthcare system is decentralized, with provinces taking the leading role in the organization and financing of services. While most of the provinces use a simple global budget model (based on historical costs) to finance hospital activities, in largest provinces (Ontario and Quebec), casemix data reported via the DRG system also influences the budget determination. Physician activities are reimbursed separately according to provincial fee schedules. The market access landscape is complicated by the presence of national and provincial HTA frameworks and provincial funding frameworks.
Nov 2022

Mapping the pathways enabling market access to innovative medical procedures and technologies

MedTech Europe and MTRC completed a mapping of reimbursement and funding of medical procedures and technologies. MTRC analysed all these pathways by screening the situation in 32 European countries between July and October 2022. The result is an overview of all the current payment schemes for innovative medical technologies and procedures. The mapping also presents the current concrete initiatives aimed at transforming healthcare systems and/or reimbursement and funding systems already implemented by some European countries.