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Reimbursement summary for angioplasty of arteries of lower extremities

This post presents an extract from our reimbursement analysis for angioplasty of arteries lower extremities using plain and drug-coated balloons (DCBs) for peripheral artery disease in England, France and Germany. Plain balloon angioplasty is reimbursement via DRG solely and DCBs are reimbursement via combination of DRG and add-on reimbursement.
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“Rules of the Lombardy HTA commission” has been published

The General Director of Lombardy Healthcare released a decree no. 916 of 29.1.2020. In the first half of February 2020, it was published on the website of the regional HTA program of the Lombardy region.

The decree contains several important notices:

  • Implements the content of the Agreement made by the State-Regions conference, concerning the Strategic Document for the Health Technology Assessment of medical devices, which contains indications for the National HTA Medical Devices Program (Annex 1 of this decree)
  • Approves the document "Assessment path of the appropriateness of use of biomedical devices, large equipment, and diagnostic-therapeutic technologies" (Annex 2 of this decree)
  • It establishes the composition of the regional HTA commission, which must consist of 16 experts from various fields (included head pharmacists, head physicians, head clinical engineers, a health economic experts, and others, all of which must be actively performing their jobs in the Lombard healthcare network)
  • It gives the task to the General Director of Lombardy Healthcare to arrange HTA meetings regularly in the next 3-year-period, and to ensure the set goals (diffusing the most efficient technologies in compliance with the provision of Essential Assistance Levels)
  • It gives the task to the General Director of Lombardy Healthcare to:
    • Nominate Lombardy Healthcare as a collaborative center of the National HTA Program for Medical Devices
    • Collaborate with the steering committee of the above-mentioned program (Cabina di Regia) and the Ministry of Health
    • Maintain the relationships with other stakeholders involved in the HTA process
  • Announces the collaboration with the ASST Niguarda hospital, for the purpose of the implementation of the regional and the National HTA Medical Devices Program
  • To ensure that the output of the HTA work is being used systematically in all areas of procurement by the regional “Innovation and Procurement Company (ARIA),” other regional or hospital-based procurement decision-makers

All the details about the above-mentioned points can be seen in the decree itself, in Italian, here.

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