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Med Tech-related HTAs published in Q3 2024 in Wales
Health Technology Wales (HTW) is a national body working to improve the quality of care in Wales. It is funded by the Welsh Government and hosted within NHS Wales but independent of both. HTW covers medical devices, diagnostics, procedures, psychological therapies, models of care, and social care support, excluding pharmaceuticals.
Anyone can suggest a topic, and HTW also performs active horizon scanning. HTW uses a staged process of assessment by developing three types of documents. The topic exploration report (TER) aimed to assess whether there is enough available evidence to proceed with a full appraisal and whether the topic meets the appraisal selection criteria. Based on the TER conclusions, HTW's Assessment Group decides whether to progress this topic further. If yes, the following two documents are developed: Evidence Appraisal Report (EAR) and Guidance (GUI).
Recommendations are not mandatory; the status of HTW guidance is "adopt or justify," meaning that the local health board and other relevant bodies are expected to report on how they have considered the appraisal and guidance. If they have chosen not to adopt HTW guidance, they are asked to outline their rationale and justify their decision.
In Q3 2024, HTW completed three full appraisals with the publication of EAR and GUI:
- AI-assisted endoscopy for gastrointestinal cancer, also known as computer-aided detection (CADe) colonoscopy. HTW recommended routine adoption of CADe colonoscopy for the detection of lower gastrointestinal cancer and pre-cancerous lesions;
- FloSeal in the treatment of epistaxis (nosebleeds), a bioresorbable topical hemostatic agent that can be used if first aid treatments do not work. HTW concluded that evidence supports the routine adoption of FloSeal as a treatment option in people with acute epistaxis;
- Artificial intelligence-assisted tools for prostate cancer diagnosis using whole slide biopsy images. HTW concluded that there is insufficient evidence to support the routine adoption of AI-assisted review of prostate biopsies in the detection and diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Furthermore, 24 TERs were published in Q3 2024, including the following:
- Photo-plethysmography (FibriCheck) for the management of atrial fibrillation;
- Pulsed Field ablation for atrial fibrillation;
- AI prediction of fatty liver disease from laboratory test results;
- Circulating tumor DNA tests for T790M mutations in non-small cell lung cancer;
- Advanced electrosurgical bipolar vessel sealing systems during hysterectomy;
- Micropore particle technology for the treatment of non-healing wounds (Amicapsil);
- Autologous blood microfiltration systems;
- Reinforced biologic mesh for hernia repair;
- Leakage notification systems for stoma care.
Other published TERs concerned e-health, surgical procedures, dermatology, and in-vitro diagnostics areas.
See the full details here.
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