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Balneophototherapy treatment of neurodermatitis reimbursed in Germany
Balneophototherapy becomes covered by the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds (GKV) for patients suffering from moderate to severe neurodermatitis. The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) decided to include this treatment option to contractual medical care on March 20, 2020.
The decision was based on studies that demonstrated a higher benefit of balneophototherapy compared to dry UV radiation in neurodermatitis treatment. However, no study results were available for patients aged younger than 18 years. Therefore, in this patient group, balneophototherapy should only be used after careful examination of the available treatment options.
Neurodermatitis (also called atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema) is a chronic, non-contagious skin disease associated with a rash and usually severe itching. Depending on the severity of the disease, the quality of life can be significantly affected. Treatment cannot cure the disease, but it can substantially reduce the symptoms.
The assessment of balneophototherapy in terms of use within contractual medical care was carried out at the request of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) for asynchronous balneophototherapy and the AOK, the largest German SHI fund, - for synchronous balneophototherapy. The procedure was temporarily suspended due to the insufficient evidence of a possible benefit or harm of the method; however, on February 15, 2018, the G-BA decided to resume consultations. Furthermore, in November 2018, the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) submitted the Rapid Report regarding synchronous balneophototherapy in the treatment of atopic eczema.
The decision will come to force after the non-objection of the Federal Ministry of Health and publication in the Federal Gazette. Balneophototherapy can be provided as an outpatient service after the Evaluation Committee’s decision on the amount of reimbursement via the EBM (German Uniform Evaluation Standard).
The full details in German can be found here.
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