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National Institute for Sickness and Disability Insurance (RIZIV/INAMI) has updated the list of non-implantable medical devices for home use
National Institute for Sickness and Disability Insurance (RIZIV/INAMI) reimburses four types of non-implantable medical devices:
- reimbursed solutions for bladder irrigation
- medical care materials accepted for reimbursement:
- hair prostheses
- oxygen concentrators
- pumps and cassettes for medicines
- inhalation solution of hypertonic sodium chloride for the treatment of cystic fibrosis
- plaster bands and other plaster material
- installation and delivery of medical oxygen in gaseous form and accessories
- diagnostic tools accepted for reimbursement:
- blood pressure monitors
- blood glucose meter
- lancet holder
- glucose control strips
- lancets
- sterile insulin syringes
- probes for car home
For the first three types of devices (reimbursed solutions for bladder irrigation, medical care materials accepted for reimbursement and diagnostic tools allowed for reimbursement), an official List of the devices eligible for reimbursement is available.
Since May 1, 2018, patients with a type 2 diabetes are eligible for reimbursement of self-management care only if they have or are starting treatment with insulin or incretinomycin.
See full details here.
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